Posted on Nov 30, 2022
Opinion | What Tucker Carlson and Trumpist Republicans Get Wrong About Ukraine
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
You know, that's pretty much the same philosophy that got America into both Korea and Vietnam.
Show me the major difference between this and the Domino theory.
The whole "we had better act when we have absolutely no need to so that we don't have to act when we actually need to" concept has been tried. And it failed.
I also find it funny that Putin bit a chunk out of Ukraine when Obama was in office and we did almost nothing. Trump came in and Putin did NOTHING. Shortly after Biden took over, Putin was on the warpath again.
It could be coincidence. But I don't really believe in coincidences.
If we *really* wanted to be proactive, we would have prevented Putin from moving on the Ukraine in the first place. But Biden and his administration are too weak for that.
So, Biden encourages aggression through weakness, THEN stands up to Putin by.... spending my money.
That's not good foreign policy.
Show me the major difference between this and the Domino theory.
The whole "we had better act when we have absolutely no need to so that we don't have to act when we actually need to" concept has been tried. And it failed.
I also find it funny that Putin bit a chunk out of Ukraine when Obama was in office and we did almost nothing. Trump came in and Putin did NOTHING. Shortly after Biden took over, Putin was on the warpath again.
It could be coincidence. But I don't really believe in coincidences.
If we *really* wanted to be proactive, we would have prevented Putin from moving on the Ukraine in the first place. But Biden and his administration are too weak for that.
So, Biden encourages aggression through weakness, THEN stands up to Putin by.... spending my money.
That's not good foreign policy.
So we keep writing checks to the Ukraine until the end of time? There are no bounds or limits? The US contributes more to Ukraine than any other country. The US gave $51 billion in military aid to overseas. Do we cut this to accommodate the Ukraine? The US is approaching a debt crises, we have a drug crisis, we have a border crises, we have a homeless crises. Funny we are more concerned about the Ukraine border than ours. I mean it isn’t like over 100,000 Americans aren’t being killed a year, much of the drug coming across our southern border.
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