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Responses: 1
SSgt Richard Kensinger
I live in PA and will not vote for the non-resident OZ who is a Donald endorsement. This tells me a lot about Oz's profoundly poor character judgement.

SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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I respect your choice and, in the beginning, I was very leery about Oz. The more I learned about both candidates… I was won over to OZ. I respect he is the son of a legal immigrant and basically self-made. OMG! I just googled Oz’s patents to reference one and there was so much negative stuff on the internet, well it’s just unbelievable. The long knifes are truly out. Long story short: anyone who can invent life saving devises has something on the ball. MHO. An article is below for your review. Did he get tied up with vitamin supplements? Yes. Heck no one is perfect.

John Fetterman’s own words are hanging him: basically he wants to pardon one third of the convicted criminals in Pa., he wants to stop fracking for natural gas, he supports the Green New Deal, but mostly he was supported by his parents until he was 49 years old; so he hasn’t really done anything in his life to provide a moral compass for life. I believe Mr. Fetterman misses about a third of his time as Lt. Gov. meaning he doesn’t show up for work, so he is lazy. When he was mayor, he was a loose cannon who wanted to act like he was on the police department. He detained a black man with a shotgun pointed at his chest for jogging down the road, for no reason and with no authority. That’s a felony Fetterman was never charged with and he doesn’t deny it happened. I remember reading he missed many Council Meeting when he was mayor, so he has a history of being lazy.

This is why we have elections because everyone has opinions. I hope if Candidate Fetterman is elected he will temper some of his past radical speaking points.
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