Posted on Oct 18, 2022
Marine Corps War Plans Are Too Sino-Centric. What About The Other 90% Of The World?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 5
The US Navy is short money, the US government's giving thousands of dollars away for those with Masters and phds but they don't have money to fix these ships so it's really kind of hypocritical that the US government gives a 5% increase the defense budget with a 9% inflation and Rising fuel costs yet gives 15% to a couple government departments to mitigate this climate change bullshit and the stupid environmental social governance such as getting rid of the fossil fuel industry and holding up their permits. President Biden and the science of stupid.
The US Navy is short money, the US government's giving thousands of dollars away for those with Masters and phds but they don't have money to fix these ships so it's really kind of hypocritical that the US government gives a 5% increase the defense budget with a 9% inflation and Rising fuel costs yet gives 15% to a couple government departments to mitigate this climate change bullshit and the stupid environmental social governance such as getting rid of the fossil fuel industry and holding up their permits. President Biden and the science of stupid.
Navy looks to cut 24 ships, adds 9 more in proposed 2023 budget
The Navy wants to cut 24 ships and build nine more in its proposed $180.5 billion budget for 2023, the service’s top budget officer said Monday. The Navy also proposes reducing the service by about 620 active-duty sailors, bringing the force to about 346,300.
Went in a bad peace, increase your defense spending not spending billions for your Democratic donors that buy stuff from communist China.
Political climate change will happen because we put too much money into this incomplete science called The Church of the green New Deal.
China's Xi says full control over Hong Kong achieved, determined on Taiwan
Political climate change will happen because we put too much money into this incomplete science called The Church of the green New Deal.
China's Xi says full control over Hong Kong achieved, determined on Taiwan
China's Xi says full control over Hong Kong achieved, determined on Taiwan
China has achieved comprehensive control over Hong Kong, turning it from chaos to governance, Chinese President Xi Jinping said in a speech on Sunday at the opening of the once-in-five-year Communist Party congress in Beijing.
Some of those same ships that are in that article, the portable dock are being put in a mothballs when they should be kept in service for the next war.
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