Dear military colleagues, friends, spouses, partners and family. My favorite business owner Erica Snyder is at it again!
She has pulled together another summit, focused on solutions for anxiety and the stresses we face in our military communities.
Erica and her top notch team of 12 professionals will arm you with the requisite skills needed to deal with the stresses of a PCS, deployment and the daily challenges of military life.
This years summit is focused on the criticality of building a supportive community which is part of any successful transition.
Click on the link below to learn about the summit and these 12 amazing professionals supporting our military community.
All course content is FREE. Please don’t miss this opportunity to destress and recharge live online from 3-6 October 2022.
Words of wisdom from "I was there" individuals. Appears to be the opposite of some fixed brief and rather a lot of lessons learned from spouses and others that have gone though multiple moves.