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SP5 Dennis Loberger
Edited 2 y ago
When one of the former President's biggest supporters says he is a M..... F...... liar, why would you believe or repeat anything he says?
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
2 y
Wait, the guy no one (no one who hated Trump that is) wanted to listen to when he supported Trump? That is until he said things like this? How do we know he isn't an M.... F.... liar? Do you see how stupid these "he said, she said" comments can become? It is clear to me that Trump is an egotistical, narcissistic, over-exaggerating human being/politician espousing many qualities I do not want in a leader, but then again, so are a lot of people in those same high-level positions and/or seeking those positions. It becomes almost impossible to determine, without context and evidence, who is screwing around with the truth.

That said, the President absolutely has the authority to declassify information. No one can deny this. However, we can also criticize the President's use and possible abuse of this authority too, and use it to determine whether we trust the man to take back the office of the President. I've already made that determination, but the problem is, I doubt the other side will manage to present anyone better. So, in this incredibly stupid game of "who can we nominate that people will hate/dislike less," I am all too often left with picking the lesser of two evils. But right now, we don't know who's running, we don't know what Trump had in his home, and we don't know his intent in keeping these documents. And yet so many people have already drawn their conclusions based on political bias and listening to once dismissed statements by individuals that don't conform to their narrative, only to point out the subsequent statements when they do.

Assuming we're talking about Bill Barr, Former AG, does that mean he was right about supporting Trump's calls to investigate Clinton? How about him arguing that Trump was justified for firing AG Yates? How about his arguing against investigating Trump for obstruction, to include firing Comey? Are these all accurate by your estimation now? I think so, but everyone on the left hated him then. Now he's their hero? How convenient... Personally, I don't know what beef Barr has with Trump now or vice versa and I don't really care. But I find it fascinating how people will cherry pick those things aligned to their narrative vs waiting for the facts to come out and to see if Trump was acting selfishly, irresponsibly, or negligently. Much in the same way I looked at the Clinton case in which she absolutely acted far more irresponsibly and negligent than Trump on this matter. Was she charged? No. I wouldn't get your hopes up on Trump getting charged either. At best, he might lose enough support for the nomination in 24 or the final vote... Which is precisely what I think (in my humble opinion) is what this is all about.
SP5 Dennis Loberger
SP5 Dennis Loberger
2 y
This is what has been reported as to what was found by the National Review, "In all, there are over 300 classified documents that were in Trump’s possession at Mar-a-Lago. About 184 were found in 15 boxes of materials he provided to the National Archives and Records Administration in January 2022 (after months of requests by NARA). On June 3, two of his attorneys, Christina Bobb and M. Evan Corcoran, surrendered 38 documents marked classified pursuant to a grand-jury subpoena — simultaneously representing that a “diligent search” had been conducted and that these 38 documents were the only ones with classification markings remaining on the premises. Approximately 100 more were found nearly two months later, when the FBI executed the search warrant.
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Cpl Benjamin Long
What does resist mean?.. Trump's legal team doesn't have to say anything... The special master has access to the relevant material to determine classification status.
SPC Kevin Ford
SPC Kevin Ford
2 y
Cpl Benjamin Long Trump's legal team hinted that the documents were declassified but won't actually say so in formal legal documents and now they won't provide evidence when asked for elaboration. So in that sense you are correct, the special master can now likely ignore any hinting by Trumps' legal team that the documents were declassified as they won't officially say so in legal documents or back up the claims.

That should also let us know how seriously we should take any declassification claims. That is to say, not very seriously at all.
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