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CPL LaForest Gray
Who Watches the Poll Watchers?

As of April 15, 2021, state lawmakers have intro­duced at least 40 bills in 20 differ­ent states that would expand the powers of poll watch­ers.

AZ SB 1595; FL SB 656; GA HB 531; GA SB 74; GA SB 202; HI HB 853; IA HF 590; IA SF 413; IL HB 3553; LA HB 599; MA HB 816; MD HB 1145; MI SB 276; MI SB 309; MO HB 738; MT SB 93; NH SB 89; NV AB 163; NV AB 248; NY AB 1493; NY SB 1027; OR SB 824; PA SB 322; TX HB 6; TX HB 1128; TX SB 1591; TX HB 2601; TX HB 3107; TX HB 3970; TX HB 4364; TX SB 7; TX SB 598; TX SB 605; TX SB 1215; TX SB 1535; TX SB 1607; TX SB 1608; TX SB 1611; WA HB 1554; WI SB 210.

Of those, 12 bills are moving in six states.

MO HB 738; MT SB 93; NH SB 89; NY SB 1027; TX HB 6; TX HB 1128; TX HB 3107; TX HB 3970; TX HB 4364; TX SB 7; TX SB 598; WI SB 210.

“Moving” means the bill is still live and has passed one or both cham­bers or has had some sort of commit­tee action — namely a commit­tee hear­ing (already held or sched­uled), an amend­ment, or a commit­tee vote.

 The plur­al­ity of bills intro­duced and currently moving have been filed in Texas. Two bills have been enacted into law (GA SB 202, IA SF 413).

Expan­ded Obser­va­tion Access

At least thirty-three bills have been intro­duced to give watch­ers more author­ity to observe voters and elec­tion offi­cials, with fewer limit­a­tions on their actions at polling places and other loca­tions, increas­ing the possib­il­ity of voter intim­id­a­tion and harass­ment.

AZ SB 1595; GA HB 531; GA SB 74; GA SB 202; HI HB 853; LA HB 599; MA HB 816; MD HB 1145; MI SB 309; MT SB 93; NH SB 89; NV AB 163; NV AB 248; NY AB 1493; NY SB 1027; OR SB 824; PA SB 322; TX HB 6; TX HB 1128; TX HB 3107; TX HB 3970; TX HB 4364; TX SB 7; TX SB 598; TX SB 605; TX SB 1215; TX SB 1535; TX SB 1591; TX SB 1607; TX SB 1608; TX SB 1611; WA HB 1554; WI SB 210.
Eleven such bills are moving.

MT SB 93; NH SB 89; NY SB 1027; TX HB 6; TX HB 1128; TX HB 3107; TX HB 3970; TX HB 4364; TX SB 7; TX SB 598; WI SB 210.

One bill (GA SB 202) has been enacted into law.

SOURCE : https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/research-reports/who-watches-poll-watchers

* Clearinghouse Resources for Election Officials

Educating poll watchers and explaining statutory and administrative processes can help increase confidence in the integrity of elections. Below are links to resources from all levels of government for both election officials and poll watchers. Also view our FAQ's page. 


EAC: 5 Tips for Educating Poll Watchers

National Association of Secretaries of State: State Laws on Authorized Poll Watchers & Voter Challenges

National Conference of State Legislatures: State Poll Watcher Qualifications 
State Policies on Election Observation

SOURCE : https://www.eac.gov/election-officials/poll-watchers
CPL LaForest Gray
CPL LaForest Gray
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