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Responses: 5
CPL LaForest Gray
1.) A California Father Claims QAnon Conspiracy Led Him To Kill His 2 Children, FBI Says

“A California father took his two young children to Mexico and killed them with a spearfishing gun after he claimed he had been "enlightened by QAnon and Illuminati conspiracy theories," federal authorities say.

According to a criminal complaint filed in federal court in California, Matthew Taylor Coleman reportedly told investigators he had been "receiving visions and signs revealing that his wife possessed serpent DNA and had passed it onto his children" and that by killing them he was "saving the world from monsters."

SOURCE : https://www.npr.org/2021/08/13/ [login to see] /children-dead-father-claims-qanon-conspiracy-led-him-to-kill

2.) QAnon: a timeline of violence linked to the conspiracy theory

In the past two years, kidnappings, car chases and a murder appear to have been fueled by belief in a fictional narrative

Lois Beckett
Fri 16 Oct 2020 01.00 EDT

“The QAnon conspiracy theory has been linked to several violent acts since 2018, with QAnon supporters arrested for threatening politicians, breaking into the residence of the Canadian prime minister, an armed standoff near the Hoover dam, a kidnapping plot and two kidnappings, and at least one murder.

QAnon adherents believe that Donald Trump is trying to save the world from a cabal of satanic pedophiles. The conspiracy theory’s narrative includes centuries-old antisemitic tropes, like the belief that the cabal is harvesting blood from abused children, and it names specific people, including Democratic politicians and Hollywood celebrities, as participants in a global plot. Experts call these extreme, baseless claims “an incitement to violence”.

SOURCE : https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/oct/15/qanon-violence-crimes-timeline

3.) Man claims QAnon followers told him to murder his wife because she was CIA operative
He believed that his wife was son of president Joe Biden who had a sex change operation

Shweta Sharma
Thursday 10 February 2022 10:50

“Troy Burke, 45, told investigators that he had a neuro-link implanted in his brain and he received messages on his tablet from the members of the far-right QAnon conspiracy theory group, saying his wife was a CIA operative, involved in a sex trafficking ring, reportedThe Morning Sun.
Burke pleaded guilty to killing his wife, Jessica Burke, 29, by shooting her three times on 27 January 2021 in their Elwell home.

He was allowed to make a rare plea of not guilty by reason of insanity after he underwent a psychology exam by forensic experts who found that he was not criminally responsible for his actions at the time of the murder.”

“He was ordered to undergo a second independent psychiatric evaluation and the results “came to the same conclusion”, according to Gratiot County Prosecutor Keith Kushion.

Mr Kushion said he believed that people could read his thoughts and even said he believed that his wife was the son of president Joe Biden who had a sex change operation.”

SOURCE : https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/crime/man-kills-wife-qanon-cia-b2011961.html?amp
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SFC David Reid, M.S, PHR, SHRM-CP, DTM
This sounds far fetched
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MAJ Byron Oyler
Doesn’t sound like Qanon as the left wants but a simple case of schizophrenia.
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