Posted on Sep 3, 2022
More Women Waiting To Have Kids 'Til They're Out Of College, Employed, Settled Down, Infertile,...
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 6
Very similar situation in Japan. Several years ago there were mass demonstrations by Japanese farmers because the men could not find a woman willing to marry and live on a farm. The women did not want to become domestic slaves and opted instead for a more interesting life in a big city, usually in a corporate office. In China, the former policy of one child per family has distorted the demographics, since each family wanted a boy to carry on the family name. Now there are many Chinese men who can never hope to marry a Chinese woman, so there are many women being imported into China from overseas.
I visited several villages in rural India and spoke to the women about their views on family planning. The women were mostly of the mindset that until they conceive a boy, they would continue to bear children. One women gave birth to four girls and is expecting a fifth. Even she hopes this one is a baby boy. In the villages, men carry on the family tree and, not the girls. One odd mother of three suggested that she had three girls and this was enough pressure on her body, but the local village leaders might be of the belief that she should bear another child in the hopes it is a boy. This one woman disagrees. She believes that her daughters can grow the family tree, after all girls bear children and, not men. What will happen to this one woman army in the village against five village leaders and her husband; will she eventually succumb to the pressure of men or will she win her logic?
CPT Gurinder (Gene) Rana
MAJ Hugh Blanchard, we have requested the NGO and national authorities to first remove Mishti's daughters from this situation and then, help Mishti move to safer grounds before the bomb bursts on Mishti or her daughters Sir. We are maintaining a vigil on Mishti and her daughters in the village right now, until help arrives.
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