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Responses: 2
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
First it was the FBI planted the documents...then it was he "declassified" them...and now it's "there should be no surprise why" classified documents were in his home unsecured.

I don't know how people defend him at this point. Either you're just morally and ethically bankrupt, you have no soul or you're so utterly brainwashed you're beyond help.
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LTC Self Employed
As much as you may dislike the man, he is entitled a due process. He probably has some of the Hillary Clinton DNA ( courtesy of FBI Director James Comey who said noprosecutor could in good conscience prosecute her server issue with classified information mixed In her server and he reiterated that couldn't prosecute her in good conscience) so a successful prosecution will not be successful. We now return you to the Disney Channel.
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
2 y
LTC (Join to see) - Looks as thought they have something concrete, and yes, I was in the military and can tell the difference between somebody taking shortcuts on security protocols and referencing a few lines from classified documents in their email from a person that has boxloads of classified documents hidden in their basement that they may or may not have made copies and given away. But you go ahead and be resentful if you want. I imagine that is pretty much a default emotional state for most Trump supporters.

But you make it very clear that your resentment is very much related to what you perceive as "fair" as opposed to any actual concern for national security.
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
2 y
LTC (Join to see) - No one said he shouldn't get due process. I'm just trying to figure out how you people rationalize the man STEALING SCI DOCUMENTS! I want to know how you rationalize that he put people in harm's way. He had HCS and SI info - human sources. Signal intel. The fact the CIA pulled a top spy from Russia after he met with the Russians in the Oval Office...give me a break. I also want to know how you rationalize the fact he went from "it was planted!" to "I declassified it!" to "Well why are you surprised it was there?"

No prosecutor was going to waste their time on Hillary because she didn't steal anything. It wasn't done maliciously or with ill intent. She just followed a long practice at the State Department of mishandling classified. It was going on before she got there. That's why he said what he said and he was right. Plus Trump is the one who changed the law to a felony because he claimed that anyone who mishandled classified should be punished. Well he stole SCI material. What the hell do you think do you think he was going to do with it? What do you think he was doing with it when he was still President? Stephanie Grisham said he was constantly mishandling classified. No system. Just willy nilly moving documents from room to room. Give me a break.

I don't get how you people consistently excuse him. He - doesn't - care - about - anyone - but - himself. He would throw his own kids in front of a truck to save himself. He would sacrifice anyone to save himself. He's been grifting his followers and stealing their money and people don't seem to wake up until they're behind bars because of supporting him.

It's pretty damn ridiculous to see people who you'd think are smarter than this defending a guy who is just a con man. The guy who mocked veterans, who mocked a POW, who has never done anything for anyone but himself. It's pathetic and sad.
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
2 y
LTC (Join to see) - Jan 6 is not a trial. It's not a criminal proceeding. LOL so that's the probelm right there you guys have no clue what you're talking about.

"While Some of the trump Derangement syndrome guys are jerking off in the corner having an orgasm hoping he goes to jail, I'm more cynical and just waiting for the findings." -- Well while you Trump cultists are circle jerking each other in front of Trump swag, he's probably going to get indicted for not just the classified but other things and you'll still idolize and defend him til you're dying breath.

Yes - Comey even said that if anyone else had done what she did, there would have been at least administrative action taken. Yes, as a security manager I've seen people who put classified on NIPR, even if they didn't realize it was, who got at least some administrative action. Clinton was investigated for that by Republicans and Benghazi by Republicans and when she testified for Benghazi for 11 hours, they grilled her on the emails too. No evidence was found that could be used to criminally charge her. It's also NOT THE SAME THING as what Trump did. Not even remotely close. "ThErE ArE TwO SeTs Of JuSTiCe in ThE US." Smh. What felons are protesting in front of Kavanaugh's house or anyone's house? Have they been convicted of felonies? What makes you think they are felons? You can't call someone a felon who hasn't ever been convicted of a felony.

The ignorance is so astounding in every one of your posts.
LTC Eugene Chu
LTC Eugene Chu
2 y
Trump case is far different than Clinton case. Trump involves confirmed classified documents while Clinton was potential classified info. Trump is accused of intentional taking and hiding while Clinton was about negligent handling.

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