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Responses: 7
1SG Signal Support Systems Specialist
Doesn't surprise me at all.
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SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
Posted 5 h ago
Here's the deal...don't like where you areliving? Don't like the laws of that state? You are free to move and get a better paying job, get an abortion if you want to, possibly improve yourlife alittle bit. This is still America and that's the beauty of it all...you can move without having to ask for permission, at least for now that is the way.

My parents did it...picked up and moved with $200 in their pocket casue it was what was best for them and our family...it worked out.

-- Scott, "here's the deal..." that's quite the position of privilege to tell someone if they don't like where they are living to "just move." It costs money to move. Cost of living in a different state may also be higher. Some people may be disabled. Some people may be a caregiver. Etc, etc, there are a million reasons why someone can't just pick up and move to another state.

Your little anecdote doesn't reflect all of the US though. Also I guarantee when your parents moved it was probably easier to do so than it is now. Maybe include that into your little story about how plucky your parents were...smh.
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SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
WHAAAT??? You don't say!!! I bet they also push abstinence only sex ed too.
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