Posted on Aug 10, 2022
Lauren Boebert Wants A Biblical Citizenship Test - Christian Nationalism Is HERE
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
Yes, she's a little strange and has her own Restaurant with open carry weapons. But democrats have their own wing nuts As well. Look what's in the latest Inflation reduction act, there's a few billion toward climate Justice? What is climate Justice? We have about 400 billion dollars put toward climate change Mitigation when we should be putting it toward our defense instead.
This lady may be crazy but we have a whole left wing of the Democratic Party that is crazy thinking that climate change is the biggest existential threat when we have China threatening the shoot down Nancy Pelosi's plane and Russia threatening the new incoming NATO members of Sweden and Finland By putting Nuclear mobile missile systems near their borders.
She is too extreme. If you think this is bad, look at Quebec Canada.
Thank goodness, the rest of Canada doesn't never problem but Stuck -up French quebec is.
I live in Alberta and we don't have this problem.
CPL LaForest Gray SFC Thomas Foreman SSgt (Join to see)
This lady may be crazy but we have a whole left wing of the Democratic Party that is crazy thinking that climate change is the biggest existential threat when we have China threatening the shoot down Nancy Pelosi's plane and Russia threatening the new incoming NATO members of Sweden and Finland By putting Nuclear mobile missile systems near their borders.
She is too extreme. If you think this is bad, look at Quebec Canada.
Thank goodness, the rest of Canada doesn't never problem but Stuck -up French quebec is.
I live in Alberta and we don't have this problem.
CPL LaForest Gray SFC Thomas Foreman SSgt (Join to see)
Opinion | Quebec needs to confront its Islamophobia problem
Muslims don't feel at home in Quebec — and that needs to change fast.
LTC (Join to see)
MAJ James Woods -Good points but the inflation reduction act does not help fossil fuel interests. I heard this broadcast on my sirius XM radio app on my Samsung Phone. Kudlow gives examples and shreds it. It should have been called the Church of the Green New Deal act since over $300 billion to Green subsidies and companies. Biden is picking winners and losers. He is adding all kinds of taxes and levies to Coal and other fossil fuels..
I saw your article and I thought of the extreme Quebec Canada laws on showing Religious symbols. Canada is the Test Bed of Big Government Socialism.
I saw your article and I thought of the extreme Quebec Canada laws on showing Religious symbols. Canada is the Test Bed of Big Government Socialism.
Larry Kudlow on the Inflation Reduction Act: There is not one good thing in this bill
FOX Business host Larry Kudlow shreds the Manchin-Schumer reconciliation bill, explaining that the legislation will not reduce inflation as promised on "Kudlow."
LTC (Join to see)
Quebec top court upholds most of religious symbols secularism bill
Judges, police officers and teachers in Quebec will be barred from wearing religious symbols at work.
MAJ James Woods
LTC (Join to see) - Yeah I kinda said it was a handout to corporations and fossil fuel industry. So not sure why you're continuing to use it as your argument to condemn what we already know is a crap bill by corporate, centrist Democrats who rejected every amendment Bernie Sanders proposed to help average Americans, families in poverty, and fix some of the corruption.
Quebec and Canada are not the US so I just don't know why you keep comparing the two countries when it comes to how both countries are founded. I don't know what Canada's version of a Constitution says about religious freedom but we know what ours says. But if you want to go there, where in Quebec some want to bar religious symbols at work, we have counties and states trying to put Christian based courses in public schools; not Islam or Judaism or Hindu or etc., just Southern Evangelical version of Christianity.
Quebec and Canada are not the US so I just don't know why you keep comparing the two countries when it comes to how both countries are founded. I don't know what Canada's version of a Constitution says about religious freedom but we know what ours says. But if you want to go there, where in Quebec some want to bar religious symbols at work, we have counties and states trying to put Christian based courses in public schools; not Islam or Judaism or Hindu or etc., just Southern Evangelical version of Christianity.
LTC (Join to see)
MAJ James Woods I use the French quebec example because that is extreme. The Constitution in Canada is different and I live here though I'm glad I don't live in quebec.
I'm glad I don't live in the peoples or public of California anymore. I was just trying to show you what I saw here in Canada but now I know what you mean.
It really isn't that different because you could have different because you can have 2 different States act like 2 different countries. Look at the example of Washington State having a concealed carry and open carry law. yes, all drugs are it's our legal. Even in Seattle it's the same.
It is a very liberal state. I was there off and on was there often on for Is 3 years in my last army reserved command.
Go to Chicago and New York and they have strict gun control. So the city's act like city States and other States are actually different than what it would be in California. Sure, they have the same US constitution but it's night and day difference between the States.
I remember 18 years ago I was in Idaho with Idaho Army National Guard deploying to Iraq and we walked into a sporting goods store I think it was cabela's. You could go in there and buy an AR15 sporter and get your background check done within the hour. I don't know if the rules have changed but I was totally shocked on how liberal it was to to have access to weapons.
I think Utah and Idaho have the same type of similar laws of similar laws in that you could go to the local department of motor vehicles and do car and concealed Carry/open carry registration For a gun permit.
I was still living in California at the time but I joined this National Guard to go abroad Is an operation Iraqi freedom 3 and 4.
It is strange how things are between the States.. Maybe some things have changed since I went to Idaho and Utah but it still is a sharp contrast to what I was used to living in Southern California.
Religious extremism is bad. Nobody should be forced to learn Roman Catholic Or any other denomination of Christian religion by decree.
On the flip side, Alberta Canada is the only province in Canada that has public and Catholic schools paid for by the Canadian government.The reason being is that this province did not want to join the Canadian confederation in 19 0 5 unless Catholic schools were included. Nobody is forced to go to a Catholic school. They can pick a public school. This would go against the church and state clause In the US constitution.
Having merry Christmas on the bus has Some atheists try to go to court and fight it but they lost. Nativity scenes are also allowed at city halls.
You can call the Twilight Zone but the Canadian Supreme Court says it's OK.
I know it's different than the USA but I just wanted to compare and contrast showing you that States Within the USA could have totally different laws.
I'm sure cooler heads will prevail and Religious zealots will not succeed.
I'm glad I don't live in the peoples or public of California anymore. I was just trying to show you what I saw here in Canada but now I know what you mean.
It really isn't that different because you could have different because you can have 2 different States act like 2 different countries. Look at the example of Washington State having a concealed carry and open carry law. yes, all drugs are it's our legal. Even in Seattle it's the same.
It is a very liberal state. I was there off and on was there often on for Is 3 years in my last army reserved command.
Go to Chicago and New York and they have strict gun control. So the city's act like city States and other States are actually different than what it would be in California. Sure, they have the same US constitution but it's night and day difference between the States.
I remember 18 years ago I was in Idaho with Idaho Army National Guard deploying to Iraq and we walked into a sporting goods store I think it was cabela's. You could go in there and buy an AR15 sporter and get your background check done within the hour. I don't know if the rules have changed but I was totally shocked on how liberal it was to to have access to weapons.
I think Utah and Idaho have the same type of similar laws of similar laws in that you could go to the local department of motor vehicles and do car and concealed Carry/open carry registration For a gun permit.
I was still living in California at the time but I joined this National Guard to go abroad Is an operation Iraqi freedom 3 and 4.
It is strange how things are between the States.. Maybe some things have changed since I went to Idaho and Utah but it still is a sharp contrast to what I was used to living in Southern California.
Religious extremism is bad. Nobody should be forced to learn Roman Catholic Or any other denomination of Christian religion by decree.
On the flip side, Alberta Canada is the only province in Canada that has public and Catholic schools paid for by the Canadian government.The reason being is that this province did not want to join the Canadian confederation in 19 0 5 unless Catholic schools were included. Nobody is forced to go to a Catholic school. They can pick a public school. This would go against the church and state clause In the US constitution.
Having merry Christmas on the bus has Some atheists try to go to court and fight it but they lost. Nativity scenes are also allowed at city halls.
You can call the Twilight Zone but the Canadian Supreme Court says it's OK.
I know it's different than the USA but I just wanted to compare and contrast showing you that States Within the USA could have totally different laws.
I'm sure cooler heads will prevail and Religious zealots will not succeed.

Suspended Profile
She’d fail anyway
SSgt (Join to see)
MAJ James Woods - What does that have to do with the question? Color me confused!
MAJ James Woods
Like most politically partisan safe districts, you'll find constituents will elect a bat crap crazy or corrupt politician out of party affiliation not cause he/she is the right person for office. Not sure what part of that is difficult to understand. It's why political gerrymandering is so important to both parties.
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