Posted on Jun 29, 2015
Missouri woman who said Confederate flag isn’t racist has ties to KKK
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 29
CPT Ahmed Faried
Haha complete sarcasm Sir. It is infinitely more likely that she aligned with the KKK than not. This revelation is no surprise.
COL Charles Williams, she needed this kind of publicity like she needed a hole in the head. I can't even imagine why she'd want to spotlight herself like this with all the controversy surrounding this issue.
CPT Ahmed Faried
COL Jean (John) F. B. - I don't deny that most Politicians and even generals in the North were far from progressive when it came to slavery but the pre-eminent reason for the Civil War was the government's refusal to allow slavery in new states during its expansion southwest. This is known. I am not attempting to re-write history Sir but others are doing a good and unrelenting job of trying to minimize the factor slavery playedd in the war. We've had Presidents who owned Slaves and at least 9 that were active members of the KKK. If the worst President Lincoln did was in expressing his outdated view on Africans I say considering the times he was in that was remarkably benign. He didn't own slaves and wasn't a member of the KKK.
COL Jean (John) F. B.
SGT William Howell - To equate the Nazi flag with the Confederate flag is pure BS. I do not recall the Confederates trying to eradicate an entire race of people. Slavery was inhumane and wrong, but it certainly does not compare with what the Nazis did. I guess I could compare the Nazis to GEN Sherman's March to the Sea and be about as accurate as you are with your comparison. Hogwash...
In addition, all the "holier than thou" hypocrites fail to even consider that, in many instances, slaves in the South had much better conditions than the immigrant factory workers in the Northern sweat shops, to include brutal child labor, forced servitude, etc. Also, all the hypocrite liberal Hollywood types don't want to talk about their illegal alien housekeepers, nannies and yard workers. People in glass houses should not throw stones...
This whole discussion reminds me of all the PC BS hoopla that surrounded the release of the book and movie, "The Help" a few years ago. Hollywood and the liberal press were publically aghast at the working conditions of the "help" in the South decades ago, all the while the same conditions or worse were currently in existence with Hispanic domestic help in the hypocrites' own houses.
Slavery was wrong.. nobody can deny that. However, all this BS about the Confederate flag is also wrong.
Why aren't people more upset about trampling on and burning the American flag than a piece of historical-based cloth? Why are people not upset about the ISIS flag being sold and not banned, or that of the Nazis, for that matter? Why are people not upset about the Gay Pride and Black Panther flags, which are much more offensive to more people than a Confederate flag is? This country has more than its fair share of whiney-assed idiots who are offended by everything. It is time to stop the insanity.
In addition, all the "holier than thou" hypocrites fail to even consider that, in many instances, slaves in the South had much better conditions than the immigrant factory workers in the Northern sweat shops, to include brutal child labor, forced servitude, etc. Also, all the hypocrite liberal Hollywood types don't want to talk about their illegal alien housekeepers, nannies and yard workers. People in glass houses should not throw stones...
This whole discussion reminds me of all the PC BS hoopla that surrounded the release of the book and movie, "The Help" a few years ago. Hollywood and the liberal press were publically aghast at the working conditions of the "help" in the South decades ago, all the while the same conditions or worse were currently in existence with Hispanic domestic help in the hypocrites' own houses.
Slavery was wrong.. nobody can deny that. However, all this BS about the Confederate flag is also wrong.
Why aren't people more upset about trampling on and burning the American flag than a piece of historical-based cloth? Why are people not upset about the ISIS flag being sold and not banned, or that of the Nazis, for that matter? Why are people not upset about the Gay Pride and Black Panther flags, which are much more offensive to more people than a Confederate flag is? This country has more than its fair share of whiney-assed idiots who are offended by everything. It is time to stop the insanity.
SGT William Howell
Sir, It may not to mean the same to you, but to other individuals it may mean that or worse. Some people, in the US may not fully understand how bad the holocaust was because it did not happen on American soil, but racism has effected every one of us even in this modern day.
I am not try to say one wrong was worse than another wrong. What I am saying is that there is a stigmatize that go with that flag and other flags as well. For all you believe that flag stands for, others believe it stands for something much worse. For there to be this much debate it must be more than just a history lesson.
I respect your right to own and fly the Stars and Bars, as I expect that you will respect my right to be ashamed that people can't see how it effects others.
I am not try to say one wrong was worse than another wrong. What I am saying is that there is a stigmatize that go with that flag and other flags as well. For all you believe that flag stands for, others believe it stands for something much worse. For there to be this much debate it must be more than just a history lesson.
I respect your right to own and fly the Stars and Bars, as I expect that you will respect my right to be ashamed that people can't see how it effects others.
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