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Responses: 1
SFC Terry Stinnett
Hard to believe Fox News has any real world concern for those who are "the least among us" (Matthew 25:40) Not their style
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
2 y
You need to learn to listen more and read/evaluate material honestly independent of the company that produces the story. While I disagree with most political rubbish CNN reports, I have posted some of their articles occasionally. It’s typically the way of the Left to close out all listening because of who produces the material. How many times have I heard here on RP: I can’t believe that because Fox reported it? The people who say this usually are fools.
SFC Terry Stinnett
SFC Terry Stinnett
2 y
SFC (Join to see) I have no doubt this is a crisis GLOBALLY. Also seriously concerned about welfare of US kids, as diseases like polio, measles, mumps, etc can easily be transmitted. But there's an anti-science, anti-vaccination community that scorns doing the intelligent interventions that have been proven to work for decades, and Fox feeds into that routinely. USAMRIID, and USAMRDC and it's other units were my Army "home" along with MedCens and Army Community hospital tours. We as the US can and should do better.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
2 y
SFC Terry Stinnett - I am on the verge of pulling away when you say “anti-science, anti-vaccination community” because I am lumped into that crowd even though I have both my vaccinees. I question why our health agencies push vaccinees for our healthy young adults and children. The illness/fatality numbers for these groups of people just aren’t there to support putting body altering drugs into them. These are the true facts that influence science and proper evaluations showing there numbers are suppressed as disinformation in our Country.

Out of all our countries Sweden probably had the best response. You will see a million articles out there trying to discredit their approach but when we take into account variations in how countries report numbers and other harder facts it looks a lot better. The bottom line is our government took over our federal, and most state agencies, to provide complete control for the Democrats in power. Most of my life I was a civil servant, and I can attest to this. From how we were taught to serve in the late 80’s to 2020 shows the Democrats look to install political people who will do their bidding in key federal and state positions. It’s quite scarry.

I have to call it a morning. Take Care.
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