Posted on Jul 11, 2022
Biden sold some of strategic reserve to Chinese firm linked to Hunter
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 7
Something stinks! Somebody else Ian Rally Point was saying that Ivanka Trump got access by President Trump and that's all bad to China for selling her products when China has paid off President Biden and his son. We just can't prove it because President Biden change the rules on Federal Reserve access to questionable transactions because he is trying to protect his own ass as well as all his son.
Something stinks! Somebody else Ian Rally Point was saying that Ivanka Trump got access by President Trump and that's all bad to China for selling her products when China has paid off President Biden and his son. We just can't prove it because President Biden change the rules on Federal Reserve access to questionable transactions because he is trying to protect his own ass as well as all his son.
House Republican says Treasury won't hand over Hunter Biden documents unless Democrats join...
Rep. James Comer says the Treasury Department "is refusing to release suspicious activity reports connected with Hunter Biden."
Ahhhh Chinese firms liked to hunter …wait wasn’t he dishonorably discharged ????
LTC (Join to see)
The way it's supposed to work in the reserve an active component, if you are below the rank of Sergeant such as a specialist through E1 and you come up hot on your analysis, they usually give you a chance and they put you through rehab. If you are an E-5 Sergeant Buck Sergeant or above oh, your ass is grass and you are given a dishonorable discharge unless you could prove you were taking medicine for a heart condition like my friend was and he had the prescription for it, then that was authorized but you're supposed to tell them beforehand while you're taking the test. In this case, we know that Hunter was just being an idiot druggie like he is.
Even though he's really rich from all the influence of his father, it's the principle that he should have gotten dishonorable discharge and his corrupt ways are affecting the USA now everyday with President Biden's brokeback policies of destroying America one day at a time and one executive order at a time.
CPL Larry Frias Jr
Even though he's really rich from all the influence of his father, it's the principle that he should have gotten dishonorable discharge and his corrupt ways are affecting the USA now everyday with President Biden's brokeback policies of destroying America one day at a time and one executive order at a time.
CPL Larry Frias Jr
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