Posted on Jun 29, 2022
29 June 2022: Here are the key takeaways from this evening's Ukraine - General David H. Petraeus,...
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
My problem with the assessments from The Institute for War is that most of the information is coming from Ukrainian sources that have been caught fabricating/lying about their successes and Russian Defeats to be considered reliable. What does appear to be true is that the Russians now control Lysychansk and a moving to close the salient as the Ukraine forces retreat. That move will give them the rest of the Donetsk. The Russians have developed tactics that make the Strongpoint Defenses in urban areas suicidal, they just surround the place and pound it flat with artillery.
My final comment is that we are getting more reports from Western sources that the condition of the Ukrainian forces at the front are half trained conscripts that are poorly equipped and badly lead.
My final comment is that we are getting more reports from Western sources that the condition of the Ukrainian forces at the front are half trained conscripts that are poorly equipped and badly lead.
CPT Lawrence Cable
An additional comment. Reading one of the "lesson learned " papers coming out of this conflict, it seems that a lot of Senior Officers forgot about fighting a closely technologically equal. Helicopters are venerable in a high threat environment? During the Cold War Air Assault meant dropping you 15 miles from the target and making you walk so not to endanger the birds. It seems that we forgot all the lessons of fighting on a battlefield that wasn't occupied by a bunch of goat herders.
I ask myself if the uncertainty I feel about the world is similar to what my grandfather was thinking in 1938.
It's coming, simply because it is never enough.
It's coming, simply because it is never enough.
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
I'm with you and what is more worrisome we have the history of after 1938 that our grandfather's didn't have.
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