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Responses: 6
SPC Kevin Ford
Edited 2 y ago
She isn't a Democrat, but a Republican. What she relayed was clearly hearsay. That is to say she was recounting an event she did not personally witness. All normal telephone game rules apply.


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2 y
SPC Kevin Ford - They shot it down because the Democrats had no intention of it being a "fact finding endeavor." That's exactly why Pelosi, in an unprecedented move, decided not to seat the members the minority party picked. And Pelosi mentioned nothing of any investigations, so that point is pointless. She rejected them because they voted not to certify the election results and have been critical of her handling of the whole thing. Something, by the way, Democrats did in 2001, 2005 and 2017, including Bennie Thompson in 2005. Almost as many chose not to vote for the 2005 resolution as chose to vote against it. So, Pelosi decided to appoint Liz Cheney, who was an outspoken critic of Trump from the beginning of his term and Cry-Baby Kinsinger, also an outspoken Trump critic.
Far from a non-partisan committee.
SPC Kevin Ford
SPC Kevin Ford
2 y
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You stated,
"They shot it down because the Democrats had no intention of it being a "fact finding endeavor.""

Once again, if the Republicans really wanted an independent commission they would have done the 9/11 style commission, but the Republicans blocked it in the Senate. You guys keep on ignoring that as it completely proves false comments like the one you made above.
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2 y
SPC Kevin Ford - Once again, you keep ignoring what I'm saying. The Republicans knew the democrats has no intention of doing this the proper way. That was confirmed by Pelosi shooting down Republican appointed members and Schumer blaming it on Trump (as usual).
SPC Kevin Ford
SPC Kevin Ford
2 y
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You stated:
"Once again, you keep ignoring what I'm saying."

No, I'm not ignoring it, I'm repeatedly telling you why you are wrong. All that happened AFTER the Republicans in the senate stopped the independent 9/11 style commission, which on every reply you make completely ignores. That was set up so it HAD to be done the "proper way".

Here is the text of the bill. The Democrats couldn't have stopped any of the Republican selections. If the commission followed similar commissions in the past, none or very few, of the members would be current Representatives or Senators anyway.


BTW, you stated earlier,
"She rejected them because they voted not to certify the election results and have been critical of her handling of the whole thing."

If you took a few seconds to research you would know this was also incorrect. In that list of five Republicans was Troy Nehls who also objected to the electoral college results. He wasn't shot down by Pelosi. It was obviously something else that was the issue. I wonder what it could be, because it clearly isn't what you said.
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SP5 Dennis Loberger
Of all the things she said, this is the least significant. It was something she characterized as second hand and has no legal strength. She may very well have been told about something that turns out not to be true. Maybe I missed it but I have yet to see a Democrat testify before the committee. All those I have seen are loyal Republicans some of whom say they would vote for Trump again
SP5 Renee Reif
SP5 Renee Reif
2 y
Bowers' testimony was important also.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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All eyewash, just like the Republicans on the Democrat Select Committee. That they would seat the selected Republicans brings into question the legality of the committee. It is a good question for a court.
SP5 Renee Reif
SP5 Renee Reif
2 y
#willfulignorance or are you #religiousnationalist #whitesupremacist #thepatriarchy?
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SP5 Renee Reif - White supremacy and patriarchy?
#pulltheracecardwhenihavenothingelsetooffer #blameitonthewhitemanwhenallelsefails
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MSgt Operations Intelligence
Wow. A complete waste of taxpayers money. Next they will have Bozo the Clown say that former President Trump walked across the street while eating a cheese burger and scratching his ass. They need impeach everyone on this assclown show of a "committee".
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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2 y
Hey! Don't slander Bozo. I like him. :)
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