Posted on Jun 27, 2022
And The Biggest Abortion Hypocrite Award Goes To. . .
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 5
Have you heard about the pro abortion asshole that punch Rudy Giuliani in the back and cursed him out over the Supreme court decision?
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
No. That's uncalled for! He/She/It should be charged with assault and battery!
SPC Michael Terrell
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D. - I already deleted the news feed from my email. It was the employee of a grocery store, and he was arrested. It takes a real lowlife to attack a senior citizen behind their back
SPC Michael Terrell
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D. - The lousy DA dismissed the charges and released him, because his lawyer claimed it was just a gentle pat on the back.
Before a baby is born who is its guardian parent? Then, every mother has the choice to decide what direction they wishes to take their own bodies. However, after a baby is born, the mother must care for the baby, feed it and nurture her baby with a healthy lifestyle till the baby becomes legal to take it's own decisions. Medically, the first 12 weeks of pregnancy are the most critical; however, complications in pregnancy can occur anytime within the 37 weeks. Expecting mothers should take 400mg of folic acid daily to avoid birth defects in their babies.
I think it has to do with the “flipping the switch”, changing positions in a day after getting criticism from a small group…
We all learn and grow as we age, usually we become more caring than before, but they have gone the other way, less caring, they want to continue their genocidal work to reduce the number of Black babies born, just as Margaret Sanger envisioned when she started Planned Parenthood.
We all learn and grow as we age, usually we become more caring than before, but they have gone the other way, less caring, they want to continue their genocidal work to reduce the number of Black babies born, just as Margaret Sanger envisioned when she started Planned Parenthood.
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