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Responses: 2
LTC Owner
I am son confused with this. We have several laws on the books yet they are not enforced. Goes back to the old saying that laws only affect law abiding citizens, criminals don't follow laws. Look at the news or google gun violence, what you will find is the areas with the strictest gun laws have the highest level of gun violence. How can that be? Does that mean that gun laws don't protect citizens?

It could be that I am not able to understand this, so would someone please explain to me how adding laws (which will not be enforced) is going to have any effect?
SP5 Dennis Loberger
SP5 Dennis Loberger
>1 y
If they are not followed and not enforced, they will do nothing. I have family members that should not have weapons. If it stops them I am all for it. I have a concealed carry permit which I have to renew every 5 years. It costs $40 initially and $22 for renewal. You have to have training to get a permit. I have no problem with those requirements and believe training for those with weapons should be required. Does that make me anti 2nd Amendment? Anti gun?
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Sgt Commander, Dav Chapter #90
Let us hope that this bill is not just a patch, but something substantial that everyone, regardless of political affiliation, can support without decimating OUR 2nd Amendment, PO1 William "Chip" Nagel... What say you?
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