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Responses: 1
SFC Casey O'Mally
Bad science. Start with a bias, then go prove it.

Yes, OBVIOUSLY healthy diet and exercise are healthier than crap diet, no exercise, and supplements. But that is not a good comparison.

How about we compare a crap diet, no exercise, and supplements to a crap diet, no exercise, and no supplements. Or healthy diet, exercise, and supplements (one by one and in various combinations) vs. healthy diet, exercise, and no supplements.

This doesn't mean supplements are harmful. Or even neutral, and thus wasted money. It means they are not as healthy as lifestyle changes. But for some, lifestyle changes are not even possible. For many, many others, lifestyle changes may be possible, but not achievable. (I, personally, *should* exercise more. No, not true. I should exercise AT ALL. But I have not the time for it with how my life is currently going. Additionally, exercise HURTS. So, I have chosen not to exercise, KNOWING FULL WELL this well likely shorten my life. Telling me not to take supplements to lengthen my life back out a little bit (I am currently PRESCRIBED both fish oil and Vitamin D supplements) and to make it more comfortable until I *do* kick that bucket, just because it isn't *as good* of a solution as exercise is ridiculous. I am not going to exercise, regardless of the supplements. That is simply not a lifestyle change I am willing to make right now.) So let's look at how supplements may or may not make the difference.
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