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Responses: 6
LTC Self Employed
Yes, maybe Republicans make mistakes but now we have a Democrat President Who Lies and said he would take responsibility after mocking President Trump for not taking responsibility for his actions. Now, the shoe was on the other foot.
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin CWO2 John Heinzl
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
2 y
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin I don't have my glasses on but I couldn't see what was so messed up on Twitter so I assumed that Governor Ron DeSantis was stuck on himself. Let's not forget that Governor Ron DeSantis was a Navy veteran and a retired Navy Jag officer who served at least one tour down range. Democrats are totally taking him out of context with that supposedly don't say gay thing, it was actually stupid Disneyland employees making decisions that contradict the rules and laws of Texas and that's why I feel no sympathy for the tragic Kingdom losing their special tax status. I don't think kids should be taught buy transgender pedophile teachers about if they are boy, girl or other before they can even read and write.

Ron DeSantis allow Disney to stay open while California was stupid and had their lockdown. Florida had Therapeutics for those who I covid-19 while the Federal Government tried to restrict his use of hydroxychloroquine and other Therapeutics I could be used under doctor's supervision but Democrats hated it because of something President Trump did and they micromanage everything. So in my but, Governor Ron DeSantis had the intestinal fortitude and his States didn't really have much higher covid cases than other states and I'm sure the fatality rate wasn't that bad even though there are a lot more seniors in Florida than in other states. I don't hate Democrats but some Democrats are zombie angry over any Republican success under any circumstance. Maybe those Democrats didn't get enough hugs as a kid?

Some Sergeant here said that Ron DeSantis is a wannabe? He's a governor of a state, he's a Navy veteran. Anybody who consider is Ron DeSantis of wannabe, needs to read his biography.
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin CWO2 John Heinzl
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
2 y
LTC (Join to see) Yeah, DeSantis is his own person, perfectly able to stand on his own record. He does not need Trump or Trump’s style to move forward.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
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Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin to really piss off Democrats I hope Ron DeSantis runs for president and Donald Trump runs for Congress and then Donald Trump become Speaker of the House.
MSG Roy Cheever
MSG Roy Cheever
2 y
I’d go with that. Hehe. But I don’t think the GOP would concur. And DeSantis (to this point) will refuse to primary him. LTC (Join to see)
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LTC Self Employed
People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Yesterday, in Texas, the seat that was held for 152 years by a Democrat was won in Texas by a Hispanic female whose husband it's in the Border Patrol. People can make mistakes but when you're like brokeback Biden, the mainstream media just goes along with it.

My point is Hispanics are paying attention and don't think that if your Latino that you're automatically going to vote for a Democrat. When many Latino Democrats in Texas are considered Blue Dog Democrats and they are not happy with the open-borders mentality of the stupid president who got suckered by the leftist mob.

A liberal believes in the nation-state and closed borders but a leftist does not.

Let's see if his problem is as consistent as president brokeback Biden.
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin CWO2 John Heinzl
MSG Roy Cheever
MSG Roy Cheever
2 y
Biden is now hollering at his constituents, at the AFL CIO for not helping him fight for his policies!?! Joe doesn’t get it. But the left continues to drive him to his destruction, as well as ours. And you “Mac” defend him.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
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MSG Roy Cheever he keeps saying that the media doesn't give him a fair shake. What do you mean? The media protected you when the hunter laptop story came out and and fifty Former Intelligence agents said that the laptop was an attempt of Russian information to sabotage President Biden's campaign for president. Facebook, Google and Twitter censored stories like this. The president of National Public Radio said that the story was not worth it. The former business partner of Hunter Biden came out publicly and nobody wanted to publish the story except for Fox News.


Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin MSG Roy Cheever

President Biden complains that the message is not being received or is that the media is distorting his failures. His failures are failures. He didn't listen to The Economist Larry Summers. Larry summers work for President Obama and he warned last year that putting a three or four trillion dollars into the US economy was going to give birth to staggering inflation. It's not Putin's prices not to mention all of the regulations you added and you said before as a candidate running for president three years ago that you were going to get rid of fossil fuels oh, I promise you was what you said over and over again. Now you've cut back fossil fuels and you blame the oil companies for gouging and purposely keeping supply low. You don't know a damn thing about economics! If price is high and the availability is there that just means more money for the oil companies so it's in their best interest to bring it to Market but with less refineries, more restrictions, pulling Lisa's and even if you have the federal leases, to get a permit to drill and no pipelines and extra regulations such as a down range cost of carbon and involving state and local officials a say in the permit basically drags it out until you don't do it which is exactly what you want to do! No wonder we have a shortage of oil because you don't want boil to be pumped from the USA so you go begging to Venezuela oh, the Iranians and next week you're going to Saudi Arabia to do just that! You did it to yourself and the media is not going to help you anymore because their ratings are in the toilet they're watching Fox News and other news outlets that report the truth. Also, having Elon Musk want to buy Twitter weekends the censorship that the left thought they could pull off but now they're losing.
MSgt Michael Bischoff
MSgt Michael Bischoff
2 y
Well as election denier yourself it makes it hard for me to believe a thing you put out. Just like you don’t believe mine. It is sad that RP has becomes an insurrection it’s site that supports the criminal bone spurs.
Good day
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SFC Casey O'Mally

So calling a naturalized American who was born in Africa is racist.

And supporting a Republican who is a naturalized American who was born in Mexico over a white Democrat is ALSO racist.

So a Republican can't call an ACTUAL American from Africa an African American, if they don't have the right color of skin. Because ignoring skin color and discussing actual facts is racist.

But also Democrats MUST ignore skin color so that they can somehow label supporting a minority candidate over a white person as... racist, too.

I am not for one second saying that racism does not exist. I am not denying that it is out there and it is a bad thing on both the individual and societal levels. But, c'mon Dems. Let's stop calling EVERYTHING racist. Especially when the ONLY possible way you can call it racist is to, yourself, inject race where it was not previously a factor. Because when EVERYTHING is about race - even the non-problems - then we can no longer identify the ACTUAL problems.

To intentionally misquote Syndrome from the Incredibles, "if everything is racist, nothing is."
Sgt Self Employed
Sgt (Join to see)
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The Dems have been doing this so long many people are just tired of listening to it. As soon as they throw out the race card, people are tuning them out even if there is a valid point somewhere.
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