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Responses: 5
SPC Kevin Ford
"Oh, so we can pass protections for us and here easily, right? But we can't pass protections for everyday people?" she continued. "I think not."

That's pretty much what I thought the reason would be.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
>1 y
They are a very sad and dangerous bunch of people. Their win at any cost mentality is shocking.
SPC Kevin Ford
SPC Kevin Ford
>1 y
SFC (Join to see) - Politicians? Yeah our national politicians pretty much can't get much of anything done across the board.
CMSgt Marcus Falleaf
CMSgt Marcus Falleaf
>1 y
Something to think about, when a bill doesn't pass, it just means we're split on the subject. I don't think anything should pass by a single vote.
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CMSgt Marcus Falleaf
Trash dogs...
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
>1 y
Yes, that can be a mild description.
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LTC Thomas Tennant
Edited >1 y ago
Back in the late 1960s when I was still in high school, two books written by George Orwell were taught. They were "Animal Farm" and "1984" were cautionary tales of how easily freedom could be lost and how quickly a police state could come into being ... describes the times we are now living. For me the tipping point into total chaos and civil war that they describe has long since passed. Free speech has been and is being suppressed, there are two tier justice system in now apparent, and everyday God fearing law abiding citizens are considered terrorists because we do not support the current administration's agenda. So not we have a fight on our hands for even our basic freedoms.

For the Democrats and the left it is always about power and gaining control of the levers of power in this country. Since the 1930s they have steadily conspired to remake America to conform to their Marxist Socialist ideology because they hated the beacon of hope America had become. They seldom compromised and lately have become the Nazis they claim to hate and the summer of 2020 is all the proof you need. Since then, with them controlling House, Senate and Presidency with embedded leftists in all federal agencies, they have been rushing to solidifying their power and control of our federal government.

Only the Supreme Court remain just outside their grasp and once we let them gain control of that august body, all chances for a civil and free society will be lost. So Senate Majority Leader Schumer encouraged violence with impunity against the SCOTUS because this DOJ will do nothing to prevent the lawlessness that was the summer of 2020. And the 27 members of his party vote against additional security for the Court because they want an assassination to happen because they know they can put on of their own on the Court and maybe later pack it as well. Again, if that should happen America as we once knew it will be lost.

So I thank SFC Bernard Walko for starting this discussion. We who took an oath to support and defend the constitution now should now contemplate for ourselves how best do that, given the current state of affairs. My fear is should we witness an assassination of a conservative Justice of the US Supreme Court, the time of contemplation will be over and the country will be thrown into open revolt.
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