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Responses: 2
LTC Kevin B.
I initially adjusted your tags when you were misusing them. I then started sending you private notes about your continued misuse of the tags. Deletion of the posts is the next logical step, which we've now done. Continue misusing them and it will be escalated yet again.
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SFC (Join to see) - I don't think you will get an additional response Sergeant. The Lieutenant Colonel I assume means well, I don't wish to label people as bad actors in a baseless way. Point of clarification aside, he is engaging in a non-accepted debate tactic called "ignoratio elenchi" - an irrelevant conclusion, also known as a red herring.

By proving your argument was presented under the wrong tags, he does not have to argue against your position since it is defined incorrectly.
LTC Kevin B.
LTC Kevin B.
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SPC Colin Ahasay My reply is focused on my enforcing the RP posting guidelines, and that's the only part of his broader commentary that merits a response. I'm not taking the bait over any political argument that he's trying to make. There's no debate going on here. The rules are the rules. The content of his political argument is irrelevant.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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SPC Colin Ahasay - I am not looking to exchange pleasantries. I am trying to show RP doesn’t have a grievance process if there is a difference of opinion about their judgment and/or if the RP Rules don’t exist in gray areas like I pointed out. Any rational organization has a process to settle grievances. Maybe this is why RP has lost so many outstanding members over the years.

I thank you for your explanation. You appear to be a kind thoughtful person.
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Your post isn't centered around psychology it's centered around politics, that's probably the main reason you are taking flak, along with using a non-accepted debate tactic called "argumentum ad verecundiam" - appeal to authority. I'll try to bridge the gap and answer your question using my own experience as best as I can, none the less.

I used to live in Atwater Village, right between Griffith Park and Glendale (Los Angeles). I was renter, on VASH, because the median home price was ~$850,000 and $900/square foot while rent was over $1800 basically everywhere in the city. The U.S. Rep out there is Adam Schiff, at least in my situation, the average person in the 28th California congressional district was largely unaffected by crime or high cost of living. Police presence was strong and reliable, most people had well-paying jobs; the schools, based on the few conversions I had with neighbors that were parents, seemed to be of a good quality. Ignorance through lack of exposure is a far better description, they had nothing to worry about other than Trump so Adam Schiff got 77% of the vote in 2018.

The big issues - violent crime, blatant hard drug drug use in the open, homelessness, crappy education. These really only exist on a large scale in East LA, and what is known as south central. East LA is its own city. Huntington Park, Compton, Inglewood, South Gate, Lynwood, Hawthorne, all those places have something in common; poor communities, predominantly people of color, and they are not officially part of the City of Los Angeles. The really rich, mostly white, areas such as Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Burbank, Glendale, and Pasadena are not part of the city of LA either. Boundaries were drawn over the last 50+ years to protect the endpoint of the tax dollars.

The people in this country don't just need philosophy texts and history books, they also need to move bit and take a look around while talking to locals.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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I thank you very much for your thoughtful response. I really do appreciate learning some nuances about the Greater LA Area that I didn’t know before. My question really revolved around psychology that has developed over may years in specific areas “and” politics. I realize the people living there need real change not philosophy texts and history books, and I also realize that the only people that can affect that change are them. Respectively, that is why I am grasping at straws trying to understand why a group of people vote for the same thing time and time again and it appears the situation only gets worse. I believe there was a successful recall of the DA in the area. I hope it has a positive influence. Poverty, turmoil, and crime are undesirable characteristics for any area.

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