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Responses: 4
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
It's not at all difficult to recycle, there is NO excuse at all for the littering. Not only with a recycle program is there no plastic trash left over but the bottle or other plastic material can be reused in the manufacture of new products. Its' pretty simple, once a week My recycle is picked up right at My home as well as My regular trash and never do I ever litter anywhere from home or in a vehicle. What does it take to get people to stop being such pigs ? Well as a Police Officer I had taken those caught littering or finding litter the owner could be identified and took them to court or at least made them come and clean up their mess.
MCPO Roger Collins
MCPO Roger Collins
>1 y
The problem is very cities has that type of recyclable program. We had it in Raleigh, NC, but nothing like it here in E. TN. I recycle anything I can, but it excludes most of what was recyclable in the past.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
>1 y
We had recycling every where I lived from 1991 on--until I moved to Idaho.
CH (MAJ) Eric Dye
CH (MAJ) Eric Dye
>1 y
Well I recycled since I was six years old. My cousin and I used to collect the glass soda bottles and take them to the store for the 5 cent deposit. We made enough to keep us in burgers and fries all summer. I don't know; but it seems to me that a lot of the plastic bottle issues (I know there are other things made of plastic) started with DSDS when we used to receive the cases of water in plastic bottles. After that it was/is nearly impossible to find any drinks to purchase; and especially the ubiquitous water in bottles (think Dansani, Aquafina, and cheaper knockoffs.)
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PO2 Builder
We need to get back to using glass bottles instead of plastic.
MCPO Roger Collins
MCPO Roger Collins
>1 y
Glass is not biodegradable. It lasts forever. The answer is to mandate all plastics be biodegradable, with few exceptions. I received a package a was water soluble "peanuts". Thats the answer for now.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
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SSG Environmental Specialist
Not enough of it is recycled and some countries just dump their trash out in the ocean. For me this is a bigger deal that the so called climate change.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
>1 y
Exactly so!
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