On this day when we pay homage to those who fought and died on D-Day 1944, I bring you a speech by a President of the United States, who detailed what we are as a Nation, what we believe as a people, and as a Nation who wishes to go forward where the "strong are just and the weak secure and the peace preserved". Listen to the words of this President and perhaps today we may see how we have faltered since his time... He speaks of the success or failure bearing the burden of the common enemies of man of tyranny, poverty, disease, and war itself... Certainly a young President in the 1960's, but a wise and God fearing man...defending the cause of freedom. Probably one of the most energetic, articulate, Presidents this Country has had in my lifetime, and that is not to say that He is the best, but his motives and his ideals held high standards of citizenship among us all... He further stated that God's work must truly be our own...while today, God seems to be either taken away from us by our government...
I watched and heard this speech first hand as a young airmen in the USAF... As I had embraced him as my President, I understood his ideals and what he wanted for our Country and for its People... As an older, now retired man, I wonder what has happened to our Country to the ideals of a Nation during the last several Presidency's, leading other Nations and I see everything slipping away before me... I wonder what has happened! Have we changed so much, so thirsty for power, so obtuse that we are slipping into the forces of socialistic disaster? I don't know, but I struggle with what I see happening...
Some of you will agree and some will disagree with what I see and that's okay as each of us has a right to their own opinions. I share this with no malice. I share this to provide an avenue of thought and to think of the world we shall leave behind for our grandchildren...
May God Bless and Guide the United States of America as it moves forward into the future.