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Responses: 4
Cpl Vic Burk
Sgt (Join to see) Thank you for this fine post of JFK's inaugural address.
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Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
Remember watching this live as well. Having friendship ties to his family it was special because it was the only time I've actually known a president. Sad part was that once he became president I never saw, let alone participated in sailboat races, with him again.
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SGT James Murphy
As a kid I went with my father and did doors for Goldwater.
I met Barry Goldwater as a Keynote speaker at a International Satellite Dish wholesalers convention in Florida decades ago along with this young man who wanted to start a cable news
network called Ted Turner. Got a chance to talk with each of them separately. Talked with Turner for about 15min and Goldwater and his son for about the same amount of time but met Goldwaters son several times at the venue and sat with him at his fathers keynote so quite an experience and YES I AM an OLD Guy! I tend to gravitate towards conservative patriots. 8-)
Sgt Commander, Dav Chapter #90
Sgt (Join to see)
>1 y
It must have been great having the opportunity to be with and talk with some very notable people, SGT James Murphy...
SGT James Murphy
SGT James Murphy
>1 y
Life changing. I first ran in to Barry Goldwaters son in the bathroom when security came in with him to check the place before his dad came in to take a piss. Pretty funny because when he came in I was still taking a piss and he stopped in the stall next to me and glanced over and said. "Two things, Never pass up a chance to piss or eat while you're on the road." So that was pretty damn funny standing next to him in the stalls. His SS guy chuckled at that as well.
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
>1 y
SGT James Murphy Funny, someone who I knew was a generals aide and used to always say never pass up a restroom!
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