spite of availability Canadian energy from a democratic country that borders the USA, President Biden decides to kiss ass to Venezuela, Iran and Saudi Arabia.
This Administration is picking winners and losers but if you've invested in oil stocks in the USA and Canada, your stocks are up between 25 and 73%.
Billionaire Warren Buffett has recently invested two billion dollars into oil stocks.
Electrification of vehicles is fine but this President praised the Church of the Green New Deal which has too much dogma and not enough extra capacity to keep the USA energy safe.
Be prepared for brownouts if too many nuclear and natural gas-fired power plants are put out of commission on purpose.
Wind and solar are not reliable and cannot make up a slack like a gas-fired power plant hooked up to wind and solar to make up the slack during Peak summer and winter demand.
Western Europe suffered partial brownouts and so did California last Summer.
A couple months ago, Elon Musk, the owner of Tesla, recommended the United States increased domestic oil production and suggested that Western Europe restart their recently shut down nuclear power plants. Russia is now being excluded from energy trade due to the invasion of Ukraine. The European Union considering purchasing way less oil and natural gas from Russia by the end of 2022.
President Biden and his energy secretary purposely want the price of gasoline, Natural Gas and Diesel to be high on purpose thinking people will switch over to electric cars in the next three years.
Not our family!
We don't drive that much and we just paid off our vehicles and they have low mileage. It doesn't make sense and I'm sure many people are going to keep their fossil fuel running vehicles for a long time.