Responses: 4
Imagine having 40% of your town's budget and doing nothing to protect children. Those moldoon's had just been through training a few months prior to the massacre. Is 40% of their towns budget not enough? The trust between law enforcement and citizens will continue to erode until something changes.
I believe the Court has also stated that the police do not have a duty to protect.
Justices Rule Police Do Not Have a Constitutional Duty to Protect Someone (Published 2005)
Supreme Court rules that police do not have constitutional duty to protect person from harm, even woman who obtained court-issued protective order against violent husband which made arrest mandatory for violation; decision overturns ruling by federal appeals court in Colorado; it had permitted lawsuit to proceed against town of Castle Rock, whose police failed to respond to woman's pleas for help after her estranged husband violated protective...
Well I think the police chief needs to be fired for incompetence. There were several 911 calls while gunman was still firing. It is alleged the first policemen arrived at the school 3 minutes after the gunman started to shoot.
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