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Responses: 4
LTC Self Employed
Last week he was at over 95%. Even if Trump 70%, it goes to show that the America first movement it's still very much alive.

Mike Pence is a reasonable man and his thinking is very close to president Trump's. While this Administration has no plan if we switch over to all electric, all green. How much strip mining are you going to have to get all those Rare Earth minerals? I had stock and the only California company that dealt with rare earth metals and have to ship it to China because it's too damn dangerous to process it the USA.
Like I said before, everything the Biden Administration touches it ruins and its ruin the Border, it fled Afghanistan, the economy is in trouble and you can't blame inflation on Putin when you admitted two days ago that killing the oil industry is your number one wet dream to satisfy the environmental left that takes big corporate Jets and flies to Davos to brag among each other on how much they're going to save the world while they all take personal Jets and corporate jets. In the meantime, the little guy like me,, even in Canada, is suffering because President Biden could have had the pipeline finished, he could allow North Dakota Texas Louisiana and Oklahoma to turn on the spigots. Places like New York and Pennsylvania also have oil but the Democrats prefer to keep it in the ground and buy it from our enemies like Venezuela and the evil Iranians that say death to America, death is real and death to the UK every Friday.
Even if President Trump only has a 70% rate with his candidates, I still better than baseball average is even for the best players
That's all I have to say about that.
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PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
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SFC Casey O'Mally
Herschel Walker lost his primary? Somebody might want to tell the GOP.

Facts? Who needs facts? We have NARRATIVE!!!!
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