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Responses: 3
MSgt Operations Intelligence
I knew from the beginning that Killery Clinton and her campaign was behind it. And then the web began to unfold. The only people who were still stuck on Trump did it, were anti-Trump liberals. I guess the liberals attacked him constantly because Killery lost (a lot of them melted down which explains their current delusional state) and that Trump was never a politician. I did not have an issue with most of Trumps policies. He did place America first (as it should be) and we became less depended on other countries (as it should be). I also agreed that when it came to NATO, WHO, and the UN, other countries should pay their fair share. Often times I feel as though we pay the majority and get nothing in return. I did not approve of all his Tweets, but some mean Tweets vs high gas prices, I'll take the mean Tweets. I just hope that Trump does not run again. It is time for someone else to step up to the plate.
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LTC David Brown
Trey Gowdy was talking about this. The FBI started investigating Trump before the Clinton operation swung into action.
SFC Ralph E Kelley
SFC Ralph E Kelley
>1 y
was the Dosser or the fact it was being compiled release early? I've heard enough rumors that started BEFORE any investigation was "officially" was launched during my life into thins that did turn to be fact. Why is it so unbelievable that an information be leaked ahead of a fake dossier?
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Lt Col Jim Coe
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin well said. Thank you!
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