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Responses: 4
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
I did get to see Bob Hope at that same location in 1968 at Da Nang there at Hill 327, Home of the 3rd MAF. I actually had hitchhiked from Da Nang Air Base to get there and an Army guy in a deuce and 1/2 gave me a ride. Bob Hope had Ann Margaret with him and a group of girls called "The Gold Diggers " performing.
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
>1 y
MAJ Bob Miyagishima - No Senator McCain was promoted to Captain , 06 pay grade and He was a Navy fighter pilot. Both did however graduate from the US Navel Academy at Annapolis, MD. The Senator's Father also held a Four star ran and was CINPAC, Commander in Chief Pacific for ALL military Operation in the Pacific. I did attend His father's retirement parade from the Navy as did President Nixon. I was performing security duties there and had a great view. The flyover first was a USAF B52, then a KC135, formations of Air Force, Navy and Marine fighter followed by about a dozen Army choppers. Not only was His father an admiral on right) but so was His grandfather (on left) and the first father and son combination to both make 4 star rank. Both served during WWII and are shown together in this black and white picture (1) during the war. Both or them as well as Senator McCain and His own son graduated from the USNA at Annapolis McCain was in line for promotion to Rear Admiral lower half but decided He could do more in the senate and retired from the US Navy as I mentioned before as a Captain, 06. The, color second Picture 2) is of Admiral McCain's son as a Navy Officer and USNA graduate at the Senator's funeral. The son, a Navy pilot though left the Navy to work for American Airlines. The McCain family Military History actually traces back to the French and Indian War when We were then British colonies.
MSG Roy Cheever
MSG Roy Cheever
>1 y
To funny I graduated early with a GED, so I could join as Airborne Ranger and help train the South Vietnamese soldiers. Funny thing is, and I didn’t know at the time , that the mission to train actually belonged to the SF and not Rangers. By their doctrine that is. But the Administration and the chiefs confused the rolls. But the fall of Saigon happened before I could get trained. So my whole story and mission got changed. ~1916449:MAJ Bob Miyagishima]
MSG Roy Cheever
MSG Roy Cheever
>1 y
Wow! Great information share. SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
LTC Stephen C.
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SPC Michael Terrell
It all went 'blue'.
MSG Roy Cheever
MSG Roy Cheever
>1 y
Has it? DARN!
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MSG Roy Cheever
WOKism and cancel culture is now prevailing.
Sgt Commander, Dav Chapter #90
Sgt (Join to see)
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Very sad for our Country!
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