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Responses: 1
Capt Gregory Prickett
It's gaslighting to pretend that taking away the rights of women to control their body is not "deny[ing] women their rights and their freedoms".

Assuming, for the sake of argument only, that the zygote/fetus is a life at conception (which is a stretch, even the Bible doesn't say that), what gives that life the right to enslave the life and organs of the mother?
LTC Thomas Tennant
LTC Thomas Tennant
>1 y
Gregory ... Simple, it is not slavery because that woman engaged in a voluntary act that she knew could result in a pregnancy. Now do not think of the pregnancy as enslavement but as voluntary indentured service brought on to the hopefully enjoyable and pleasurable sexual act. From the fetus point of view, abortion is not voluntary and some would consider manslaughter or at worst murder. The fetus is helpless and has no say in the matter. Now, if the woman has any conscience and a belief in God, it is an act once taken can not be undone and they will agenize over and over again. Just ask my daughter.
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
>1 y
LTC Thomas Tennant - And when it was not a voluntary act? Or when she took precautions that failed? What gives the government the right to control that woman's body?

Finally, in the United States, god has no place in the law. Your religious beliefs are not sufficient to justify laws that impose your religion on others. Besides, the Bible didn't consider abortion to be murder, see Exodus 21:22 where causing the death of a fetus is punishable by fine only, but killing a human was punishable by death.
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