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Responses: 7
SGT Whatever Needs Doing.
That's a lot to think about. Good find.
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Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
Good read, I fear we are at the start of a few well placed people deciding what is right and wrong rather than We the People. Politicians voting party over constituents is just the tip of the iceberg.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
MAJ Hugh Blanchard
MAJ Hugh Blanchard
>1 y
Draining the aquifers is NOT the answer.
MAJ Hugh Blanchard
MAJ Hugh Blanchard
>1 y
People in Phoenix and its environs have built so many "water themed" developments that humidity there is 10-15% higher than in the average Arizona city, This is a HUGE waste of water. The whole state needs to have native plant, soil and rock landscaping, not these ridiculous man-made aquatic features.
MAJ Hugh Blanchard
MAJ Hugh Blanchard
>1 y
I make these comments as a former resident of southeast Arizona (Sierra Vista, AZ), and my twin sister lives near Phoenix. We used evaporative coolers in the summer, not air conditioners, saving a lot of energy. Almost all of our yard was native landscaping, only a little bit of grass in the back for the dogs, so we did not waste water. And we did not plant non-native species of plants, which need lots more water than native species.
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SGT Mary G.
Sgt (Join to see) Well worth reading. Am going to read again and let it settle in.

Scary situation:
"And that is how we got a handful of supreme Court judges setting “policy” for everyone in the country."

A real solution when necessary - if Congress can be convinced to represent the wishes or we, the people!
"Now you know that federal judges can be impeached, convicted & removed from the bench for usurping power. The Rule of Law does not require us to go along with all court decisions. Rather, if the decision is an usurpation, the Rule of Law requires us to spit on the decision and demand that the judges be impeached & removed from the bench."
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