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Responses: 3
Patricia Overmeyer
LTC Eugene Chu: This is hilarious
“We’re learning a lot what Russia has been investing their money in, the sophistication and the reliability of their equipment, and.. their ability to execute that mission in a synchronized fashion,”
Yuppers, we are learning that what Russia has been investing their money in is actually a lot of graft and grift. How about that TNT and C4 that was actually just wood dowels and wood blocks wrapped in printed paper? A whole truck full of it. Jeez, that ought to work well when trying to blow up a bridge or something. How about those tanks with cardboard for armor or the flak jackets with cardboard for armor plates? Nothing but the most excellent protection for the comrades! Need some new tires on those trucks? No problem! We got them ten years ago, even though on paper it says we got them six months ago. Never mind the tire rot, it's going to be a great ride into Ukraine! Here, have some FlexiSeal and it will work out just fine. And while you head on down the road to Ukraine, please enjoy the MREs that expired sometime in the previous decade. Don't worry about that sickness you feel, botulism is actually a good form of gut bacteria. Our maps are the best...see they don't show anything about Chernobyl actually being a nuclear plant that melted down. Of course the maps were printed three years prior to Chernobyl melting down, you never learned anything about it in our history classes, but don't question why the you glow in the dark after a week living in the trenches of the Red Forest.
Holy cannoli, I swear we had no idea how much of a paper bear Russia really is. I'm surprised they have gotten as far as they have in this war. Putin isn't happy about it, but you can bet your sweet bippie his take on the graft and grift was at least 10% of everyone else's graft/grift. It's going to be more interesting to see how Ukraine is able to go against Russia with all the new equipment they are getting. Slava Ukraini!
MAJ Roland McDonald
MAJ Roland McDonald
>1 y
Tires came from china in a deal a while back. Made from inferior products.
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LTC David Brown
I am simply amazed. I served in the military the last few decades of the Cold War. I wonder why we had our underwiear in a wad all those years.
MAJ Roland McDonald
MAJ Roland McDonald
>1 y
The cold war ended 30+ Years ago. The russian military suffered alot when the soviet union collapsed. In addition the ruble started to be traded on the open market further reducing it's worth. As a result the value and it's worth meant that more rubles were needed to do upkeep on equipment and new technologies. Something had to give.
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MAJ Roland McDonald
Great read. EW is a 2 edged sword. Thus you have to use it cautiously or you interrupt your own communications. Pretty sure the update changed the to broad spectrum making it harder to disrupt without disrupting their own communications. Thanks for the share LTC Eugene Chu
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