Posted on Apr 19, 2022
Republicans confront (or sidestep) abuse accusations against midterm candidates
Posted 3 y ago
Responses: 5
That section of the right doesn't care unless the orange boy tells them to.
The most faithful who embrace the MEGA MAGA Illusion do not care about these allegations.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
SSgt Richard Kensinger While the "Right" "Conservatives" "Republicans" don't Own a Monopoly on Abuse and Perversion! They Come Awful Damn Close!
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
Again...allegations not charges or convictions...not even before a judge...Until there is enough to go forward that is all they are...allegations. What if I said here on RP that SSgt Richard Kensinger beats his wife daily (I won't because of the photo you have in your profile shows a lot of love there). No facts, no evidence, just supposition because I wanted to blackball you on here. I can't go back and erase it and even if I did it would be in everyone's head because it was put out there, true or not. Same proof just accusations.
When your party is leaning towards an authoritarian vs democratic form of government charges such as this are an advantage, not a career stopper.
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