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Responses: 1
PFC Automated Logistical Specialist
It's eventually evolution of machinery. 100 years ago we were still using steam powered locomotives. We were also still using coal burning power plants. 71 years ago the first nuclear power plant came online. 50 something years ago the first cell phone was invented by Motorola. Every passing decade mankind through innovation, mankind invents something else. We have vehicles now that can run 250-300 miles easily. Battery storage sucks now, I agree. But who knows where will be in 13 years! Be optimistic!
Maj John Bell
Maj John Bell
>1 y
And if the law passes, and we're still not there on the technology curve? Market forces with the government's thumb on the scale are not market forces. They are centrally planned economies, which historically always seem to fail.
PFC Automated Logistical Specialist
PFC (Join to see)
>1 y
Maj John Bell most manufacturers themselves have pledged to stop selling ICE vehicles over the next 15-30 years anyway. You're only option for gas will be through private sell such as craigslist. To my knowledge they plan to only ban dealer sell not private sell.
Maj John Bell
Maj John Bell
>1 y
PFC (Join to see) - I don't really care if government still allows private sale or not. Government, not true market forces, is telling industries "Adapt or die." That demand is not a truly based on market demand. Government can tell us that broccoli is a better snack than Cheetos, but market demand says it is not.

By its very nature government cannot rapidly adapt and change to what the public wants and needs when it comes to economic activity. The end result is inevitably empty shelves, black marketeering and an oligarchy consisting of the political and social elite. Those same politically elite are quite often either unaffected by or choose to ignore the very same activities they wish to impose on the rank and file.

For years after low flow flush toilets were mandated in new construction, DIY re-modelers used to comb construction dumpsters at remodeling sites for high flow toilets. Every year contractors on fishing and hunting trips to Canada would bring back dozens high flow toilets in their trailers. As soon as they had passed final occupancy inspection, they would swap the high flow toilets out for the low flow toilets and get $500+ for a used toilet in new construction high dollar residences. Then the "newish" never actually used low flow toilets were put in "blue-collar" new construction homes, at full price.

I'm unimpressed by Rep Ocasio-Cortez telling me Americans eat too much beef (cow flatulence), then stopping off to have a steak at her favorite restaurant in DC. I'm unimpressed by John Kerry telling me we need to go electric in our cars when he has three ocean going yachts. Marine Diesel is the highest greenhouse emission producing ICE fuel currently in use on the planet. If an elected official thinks I should have to give something up and is willing to use the police powers of the state to enforce that sacrifice, they should give it up NOW, in its ENTIRETY, voluntarily before the legislation is even proposed. If not, I will always, always, always question their motives, their agenda and their sincerity.

The current trend is for government to continually restrict economic activities that were at one time legal, all in the name of "it's for our own good." The following restrictions either has happened, legislation is under consideration or legislation is being proposed at a federal or state level:
-Small ICE tools (Chainsaw's, lawn mowers, woodchippers, etc.)
-The consumption of meat
-Wood stoves
-Harvesting of downed trees for firewood on public lands
-Use of Coal for home heating
-Smoking in public
-The amount of water used to flush my toilet
-The gallons per minute flow of water through my faucets and shower heads.

This is not even close to being an exhaustive list. The list goes on. The vast majority of these restrictions are NEVER even put to public referendum. Decisions are made by the political elite. Those same political elite, particularly at the federal and state level, are well-positioned to benefit from the mere announcement of such proposals. The rank and file, not so much.

Even when such Items are put to public referendum, people are very quick to restrict a freedom that they don't choose to enjoy. The political elite know this. So, they find issues where they can get a consensus among a subset of people who think "What the hell, it doesn't affect me." Never thinking they may be next on the "hit list"

I believe ICE vehicles will eventually die out. I just don't believe it should be a government firing squad that kills them.
PFC Automated Logistical Specialist
PFC (Join to see)
>1 y
Maj John Bell As long as the federal government isn't trying to ban ICE vehicles it doesn't effect you. You don't live in California, if you live in a red state don't worry it's never going to come to you.

I don't favor government restrictions but it's not just the use government trying to ban ICE vehicles it's all advanced economies. Even Indian mind you, still developing economy is going to ban all polluting sources of energy by 2050. If anyone so far form making that a reality by then, it's Indian.

The hypocrisy runs deep within our government and it's cringe worthy at best. Smoking was banned in most public places by different states years ago. Look at it from a nonsmokers point of view. If I'm in a public area that isn't outside why should I have to inhale you're second hand smoke? I know this is why we had smoking and non smoking sections back in the day. However when people are willing to quit things for their own good or health sometimes a state may have to come in. It's just like kids trying to force their elderly parents to go cold Turkey on certain things.

I'm currently doing it with my elderly parent. In regards to other things you mentioned I can understand why you'd be upset about them you've been around for alot longer than me. Yet the things you mentioned haven't affected me, maybe this is why I'm not upset about them. I agree the state shouldn't kill an industry but sometimes it can also benefit them. The likely hood is slim but possible. However I'm sure Republicans will retake Congress in 2023 and you'll have a Republican president come 2025. By it trump, De-Santis or whoever the the GOP nominates.

Getting back to California though, all policies they keep implementing turns into one social experiment of a failed state that is giving progressives elsewhere a second thought about what they should do.
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