Posted on Apr 9, 2022
Poland considering Italian, Korean alternatives to backfill MiG-29s - Breaking Defense
Posted 3 y ago
Responses: 1
The transfer from a US base in Germany was doomed from the start. Glad that planners could come up with the idea of the planes being flown to a non-US base in some other NATO country. Frankly this should have been the plan all along.
LTC (Join to see)
That's why I'm so pissed off about this Administration leaving Afghanistan the way they did and a congressman on Fox News was telling the viewers that he was briefed in November or December of last year about the buildup of Russian forces in Belarus and near the Ukrainian border. The Russians had a major divisional exercise way before The Invasion. The fault also lies with angry white male 4-star General milley who thought that Ukraine would fall in 3 days. When the war started in late February, they should have had the transfer be ready by the middle of March. Here it is a month later and they're still not ready to be shipped to Ukraine. That's why four-star general retired Jack Keane has stated that he believes that President Biden doesn't want Putin to lose.
This video is 10 days old but Jack Keane was saying he had Insider information that the Biden Administration was twisting the arm of the Ukrainian president to accept the deal even a bad deal when do ukrainians now have forced Russian units to retire away from the Ukrainian capital and get reconstituted and refitted for the next battle. If the ukrainians had their close air support two weeks ago, they could have made more Russian battalions and brigades non-mission capable. As usual, President Biden lead from the rear and focuses more on his other stupid priorities instead of trying to give Ukraine a decisive victory..
Why should he fear Russian atomic bombs when Russia has had atomic bombs since before the Korean War? I keep saying that the president of Ukraine is a modern Winston Churchill and the president of the u.s. is a modern version of Neville Chamberlain with the personality of Mister Rogers.
This video is 10 days old but Jack Keane was saying he had Insider information that the Biden Administration was twisting the arm of the Ukrainian president to accept the deal even a bad deal when do ukrainians now have forced Russian units to retire away from the Ukrainian capital and get reconstituted and refitted for the next battle. If the ukrainians had their close air support two weeks ago, they could have made more Russian battalions and brigades non-mission capable. As usual, President Biden lead from the rear and focuses more on his other stupid priorities instead of trying to give Ukraine a decisive victory..
Why should he fear Russian atomic bombs when Russia has had atomic bombs since before the Korean War? I keep saying that the president of Ukraine is a modern Winston Churchill and the president of the u.s. is a modern version of Neville Chamberlain with the personality of Mister Rogers.
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