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Responses: 4
LTC Self Employed
The apologist media will ignore it just like they've ignored all other issues under this incompetent president destroys everything he touches and people died because of his stupidity or stubbornness such as Afghanistan and Ukraine
MSgt Michael Bischoff
MSgt Michael Bischoff
>1 y
You ignored the incompetent 45 so why do now pick on it.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
>1 y
MSgt Michael Bischoff because 45 didn't cause Mass casualties. He actually save lives because his instability and his toughness such as yelling at NATO for not putting up 2% for defense actually was prophetic because most of the NATO countries that are on the border with Russia easily put up to 2% of their budget for their military. President Trump is not perfect and he could still serve jail time but don't be surprised that those in power right now are in the same block because they helped conspire the wire tapped into legally through Crossfire hurricane, but Steele dossier and other things. Now we find out that those in the White House are the ones that are the Russian assets after all.

President Trump is not perfect. President Ford and President Carter we're not perfect either but they're definitely way more competent than our current president brokeback Biden.
He even tries to lie now calling it Putin's prices when this is from last November.
Everything that President Biden and Kamala Harris tries to touch, they ruin, people die or they make asses of themselves talking but not making any sense. I remember President Biden saying he's back or the u.s. is back when going to a NATO Summit but yet he doesn't want the ukrainians to win. This is coming from the mouth of General Jack Keane.

MSgt Michael Bischoff
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
>1 y
MSgt Michael Bischoff number 46 is a cross between mr. Rogers and Neville Chamberlain. His weakness invites our enemies to attack us. General Jack Keane said in his YouTube video that he heard from important sources that 2 weeks ago President Biden was trying to coerce the president of Ukraine to give a deal to Vladimir Putin even though his forces were making it a stalemate. General Jack Keane doesn't believe that President Biden wants the ukrainians to get Legacy Russian aircraft from NATO nor any of their tanks because he's too afraid of Russian dictator Vladimir Putin. That's why I say that number 46 leads from the rear. Out of all the 30 candidates running for president on the Democratic side, we got the worst pics of President and Vice President. I remember when he was busted for plagiarizing in his 1988 presidential campaign when he ripped off a speech from a British prime minister and said it was his own. He is lying through his teeth left and right saying he didn't know about his son's business interests and I think this will be his downfall in the next two years that's why I'm saying if President Trump Goes to Jail, don't be surprised if President Biden joins him in the same cell block after 2025
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PO1 John Johnson
I prefer ALL of my Presidents to have an operable cognitive system, regardless if "R" or "D".
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SSG Environmental Specialist
The man does not have possession of all his faculties.
SSG Environmental Specialist
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
TDS is strong with you, Trump is not in office Biden is stop deflecting
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