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Responses: 5
MSG Stan Hutchison
I see the Trumplicans are doing their usual diversion rather than addressing the topic.
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LTC Self Employed
If people broke the law, they should go to jail.. Fast forward to today, I'm more worried about we're worried about what this president will do in the future since everything he has touched or got involved in gets screwed up and people die.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
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SPC Les Darbison
We have to have tactical patience. The Democrats are worried that's why they want to give money away to offset higher gas prices even though they did it to themselves on purpose by cutting back on production and putting extra restrictions. This is an old cartoon making fun of President Biden and AOC. That's why they want to pick out two senators Manchun and Cinema because of their cheating mentality wanting to have no i.d. in the next election won't happen, they won't be able to cheat as easily. Those two moderate Democratic senators saved our democracy. The left of Lenin Democrats are pissed off. They thought for sure they were going to get their agenda completed and now we have to deal with stagflation. We will probably have a recession at the end of the year. This is all avoidable even before this war in Ukraine. I invested in oil and natural gas stocks and I'm making money. Democrats are stupid because oil companies probably make the same profit margin but if the price of oil goes up, their margin stays the same, they're going to make more money but lately I've noticed that the left of Lenin Democrats don't have even the basics of economics and finance 101. You know for sure that multi millionaire from insider trading Nancy Pelosi says stupid things like let's spend more money to lower inflation! The basic economics Norm of inflation is too much money chasing too few goods. The Democrats don't want to have the wisdom of JFK and President Bill Clinton that believed very much like Republicans that lowering taxes actually raises Revenue! In other words, you lower taxes and you end up getting more money into the US Treasury but Democrats are stupid and don't believe in this. There are some Democrats that believe what Republicans are telling them and they are the ones that are going to vote Republican as well as many more independent voters. The collusion by the mainstream media is not working because Fox News and to a lesser extent Newsmax is able to put out the information that CNN, MSNBC, national public radio and others won't publish or discuss in their news programs. Fox News is able to get the word out and that's why the Democrats are suffering. The American people know the Democrats often lie and President Biden a slide about the economy and doesn't want to tell the truth that he wants to destroy the fossil fuel industry.
MSG Stan Hutchison
MSG Stan Hutchison
>1 y
What a bunch of horseshit above.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
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MSG Stan Hutchison
1. Open borders horseshit
2. Over-regulation and cycling of local domestic production of oil and natural gas and delaying permits and not approving projects by the department of interior or Department of energy horseshit.
3. Ignoring the signs Afghanistan was collapsing months before it fell horseshit.
4. Pumping too much money into the economy and wondering why there is inflation horseshit.
5. Putting critical race theory in the military and that conflicts against equal opportunity/EO. Basically you're putting in racism to stop racism as dr. Ben Carson said a couple days ago on the radio. It's interesting to hear dr. Ben Carson and someone like dr. Condoleezza Rice overcome their 1960s racism and become what they are today as a world-renowned heart specialist or a national security advisor who work for president W Bush. You also have people like Larry Elder who call critical race Theory horseshit.
6. It is horseshit that President Biden doesn't want Ukraine to win but just be a stalemate and refuses to give Mig fighter planes to that country worried about Russia getting mad when Russia supplied its pilots and migs during the Korean War and supplied and surface-to-air missiles during the Vietnam war.
7. What is really horseshit is the president and his administration keeps saying over and over again the climate change is the biggest threat to society yet we have Russia threatening nuclear war against us.
8. Democrats are upset that Sarah Bloom Raskin didn't get approval by Senator Joe manchin. It's obvious that you don't put a Federal Reserve person that lies and wants to be political and restrict finances away from fossil fuel fuel companies. Luckily, we have to have some moderate Democrats set Barn full of leftist horseshit and he voted no against her.
9. It's interesting that President Biden flies all the way to Europe to discuss helping them with liquid natural gas but he doesn't really explain or make changes to allow our domestic natural gas producers to increase production so we could export it to Europe. It is horseshit that we had seven different liquid natural gas terminal permits sitting on the desk of the Department of the interior for over a year and only two are approved now only because of the war in Ukraine. The real horseshit is that the administration is trying every which way they can to stop fossil fuels completely. It should be done based on the needs of the world. Being forced upon us like critical race theory is in the military and elsewhere in government. That is the horseshit of the Democrats and that is why you have States like Virginia flipping red.
I can go on and on but it's 3 in the morning and I'm tired.

MSG Stan Hutchison SPC Les Darbison
MSG Stan Hutchison
MSG Stan Hutchison
>1 y
LTC (Join to see) - You are certainly entitled to your opinion, as wrong as it is. Have a nice day.
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SPC Les Darbison
Read the article no laws were broken. She said she didn't share her work with her husband. PaPa Joe and hunter can't say that now can they the only thing Hunter had of value was trading on his fathers' position as VP. And that's a fact all you have to do is look at the evidence in Hunter's laptops!
LTC Eugene Chu
LTC Eugene Chu
>1 y
Since you mention she "didn't share her work", here is an old 2011 article about how Ginni and Justice Thomas allegedly did not report her taxable income from working

SPC Les Darbison
SPC Les Darbison
>1 y
LTC Eugene Chu - The topic in the article was the 2020 election. It said nothing about 2011 did it?
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