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Responses: 2
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
Good read but not sure what Climate Change zealots have to do with it. Essentially China has more to lose than gain from standing with Putin so the distancing will come, but at their pace, not the Western one.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
>1 y
We are so weak we can't export energy to our European due to Biden's policies.

Biden has refused to stop his Jihad. The department of the interior sits on 7 liquid natural gas terminal permits but won't approve them. He is responsible since he took office.

Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
>1 y
LTC (Join to see) We can't export energy to European allies because the infrastructure doesn't exist. Big oil, not Biden is to blame for that, I believe those LNG permits have been pending for many years, including previous guys entire term.
Maj William W. 'Bill' Price
Maj William W. 'Bill' Price
>1 y
And why doesn't the infrastructure exist? It's not the oil companies. Russia has been funding climate change zealotry for a long time. Gotta give the devil his due: it's been an effective disinformation campaign. The one source of hard currency Russia has is oil Green energy zealotry...and now Biden... has certainly helped keep the money flowing.
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Maj William W. 'Bill' Price
LTC (Join to see) Interesting read. I agree with you that the green energy propaganda that Russia has financed for so many years has made both Europe and the US much weaker. I just am unable to substantiate that conclusion based on this article. On that subject, I can take this article one of two ways. Time will tell which is correct.
1) Disinformation. China-Russia trade is growing, and looks as if it will continue to grow despite what is going on in Ukraine. I suspect China will more than make up for any oil and natural resource purchases from Russia that the US halts in the name of "sanctions." The article claims the Russian invasion has caused "great controversy in China"...something I think we have yet to see. This conflict will likely be the first where information operations has been deployed as a strategic asset (on both sides). The article appears to suggest that China is concerned about their "international image" and relationship with the West. I am not so sure that they care.
2) Diplomatic off-ramp. If their "international image" is indeed a concern, along with its emphasis on "national sovereignty" and "territorial integrity" and hopes of settling the Taiwan issue, China may indeed take concrete steps "to prevent Putin's possible adventures." We see current news reports of Russian requests for Chinese military assistance. If those requests are not granted and China pulls away from Russia, I do agree that Putin will also seek to find an off-ramp. But as I previously mentioned: time will tell.
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