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Responses: 2
SFC Retired
There is so much propaganda going around out there right now, it's hard to know what is and isn't true. I don't trust our government to be honest any more than I trust Russia or China to be honest.
SGT Mary G.
SGT Mary G.
>1 y
That's about it. Seems a universal mistrust has developed, which hasn't happened without good reasons.
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PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
SGT Mary G. Excellent Propaganda share, Always Good to Hear what Crap the Opponent is Spewing!
SGT Mary G.
SGT Mary G.
>1 y
Thanks, Chip, lol. I thought so too. Sifting through it to get to whatever grain of truth is in it that might be an actual fact or two, is the work of it.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
>1 y
SGT Mary G. - The Best Propaganda has a Sprinkling to Truth in the Lies. Yes the US Has had a Presence in the Old Soviet Era Bio Weapons Labs in Ukraine, Helping Clean Up the Russians Mess same for the Nuclear Material that the Soviets had in Ukraine to Include Weapons.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
>1 y
SGT Mary G. I Started "Monitoring" Soviet/Russian Propaganda in 79, Yeah and the Russian Lady with the Sexy Voice Busting Our Chops at USN-13S on "Radio Moscow"
SGT Mary G.
SGT Mary G.
>1 y
That must have been interesting! I had only one brief exposure to the Cold War version of "Axis Sally" during an FTX located seemingly within walking distance to the E/W Germany border. We enjoyed the music though.
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