Posted on Mar 4, 2022
For families, $6B deal with OxyContin maker is just a start
Posted 3 y ago
Responses: 3
I know SFC Walko has me blocked, but I must respond to his comment:
"What our government needs to stop yesterday are all the drugs currently crossing our southern border."
We cannot even slow down, much less stop, the drugs like OxyContin that are made in this country. We will never stop the drugs coming in from outside our borders! Never! Not as long as there are the obscene profits to be made.
No laws, no punishment will stop drug abuse. All it will do is make the providers more and more wealthy. Why did we not learn this lesson with Prohibition?
"What our government needs to stop yesterday are all the drugs currently crossing our southern border."
We cannot even slow down, much less stop, the drugs like OxyContin that are made in this country. We will never stop the drugs coming in from outside our borders! Never! Not as long as there are the obscene profits to be made.
No laws, no punishment will stop drug abuse. All it will do is make the providers more and more wealthy. Why did we not learn this lesson with Prohibition?
While conservatives whine about illegal drugs, they ignore how legal prescription OxyContin contributed towards the current situation
Switching from OxyContin to heroin - Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis
Drug abuse researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have found that a change in the formula of a frequently abused prescription drug has convinced many drug abusers to switch to a potentially more dangerous drug. Instead of inhaling or injecting the opioid drug oxycodone, many users apparently are switching to heroin.
I have not had to deal with this issue directly. I did lose my brother last year and know the pain that leaves. No amount of money could make me feel better about losing him
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