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Responses: 8
SrA John Monette
And the 21st century nazis march on.
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PO2 Russell "Russ" Lincoln
Just another Republican assault on a woman's reproductive rights.
SFC Terry Stinnett
SFC Terry Stinnett
>1 y
PO1 Jeff Chandler if you read the article you cited in it's entirety
"You aren't really hearing the heartbeat. You are hearing the amplified "beat frequency" generated by the interaction between the outgoing ultrasound signal, and the returning ultrasound signal. When the outgoing signal is reflected back by a moving object (fetal heart), then the returning signal has a slightly higher frequency (if the object is moving toward the transducer), or slightly lower frequency (if the object is moving away). This is called the Doppler shift. Every so often, the peaks and valleys of these slightly different frequencies are superimposed on each other, creating a much louder sound, that happens to be in the audible range. It is this sound that you are hearing."
All that attention to detail stuff....
PO2 Russell "Russ" Lincoln
PO2 Russell "Russ" Lincoln
>1 y
SFC Terry Stinnett - Thank you for posting that. I enjoyed hearing the good doctor taking the men to task.
SFC Terry Stinnett
SFC Terry Stinnett
>1 y
PO1 Jeff Chandler it's the start of the development of the heart as an organ as we know it however, at 6 weeks, an embryo doesn’t have a fully formed heart, but rather a cluster of cells that emits electrical signals. Those electrical signals are from the "pacemaker" region of cells, and that electrical signals is what is detected. It isn’t until 16 to 18 weeks of gestation that the heart, valves, and vessels can be seen on an ultrasound, so as I mentioned, even at 15 weeks gestation (pre viability) the heart as we know it in the neonate isn't formed. I'm not saying the fetal heart detection by ultrasound is fake, I'm saying it's not a fully formed heart. And significantly it's not until 16-18 weeks in gestation that some fatal/terminal heart defects can be detected. Have you sat with a woman who has gone through labor and delivery to deliver a stillborn child ?
PO2 Russell "Russ" Lincoln
PO2 Russell "Russ" Lincoln
>1 y
PO1 Jeff Chandler - no reason to make personal attacks just because we have a difference of opinion.
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SPC John Williams
When conception is a choice, abortion is murder.
SSG John Oliver
SSG John Oliver
>1 y
Blows my mind.
LTC Stephen F.
LTC Stephen F.
>1 y
Amen my friend and brother SPC John Williams
SFC Terry Stinnett
SFC Terry Stinnett
>1 y
So why are none of these bills allowing exception for rape and incest?
SPC John Williams
SPC John Williams
>1 y
SFC Terry Stinnett - I believe they typically do. I stand behind my statement, "When conception is a choice, abortion is murder."
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