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Responses: 2
SGT Retired
How does her lack of proportion and self aggrandizement compare to that of other politicians, notably President Trump?

If anyone thinks her comparison here is egregious, I’m sure those same people would be willing to criticize far worse examples of proportionality and self aggrandizement.
LTC David Brown
LTC David Brown
>1 y
Problem is I haven’t seen a worse example of self aggrandizement in a long time. Maybe you are referring to stolen valor cases etc? Maybe you are referring to Hillary landing under sniper fire? Could it be Biden being arrested in South Africa? Biden Marching in civil rights demonstrations? Biden being the top student n his law class? Biden mining coal then coming out of the mines to play an afternoon of foot ball before driving a 16 wheeler?
SGT Retired
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
Jeff. If she claims her election was stolen, I condemn her.
Kevin, kids usually fail to recognize legitimate comparisons. Additionally, kids usually dint understand terms like hypocrisy or false indignation.

David, I agree that Biden is an A+ exaggerator. Also, if you haven’t seen such examples in a longtime, I’d suggest you haven’t been looking. However, ignorance, regardless of how intentional, isn’t a good answer. Some of the folks that President Trump compared himself to were Lincoln, Churchill and FDR.
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
>1 y
You’ve either missed my point or you feel the need to rationalize. Was Abrams’ statement out of touch/reality and something one should not say? Yes or no? The original post does not mention Trump and no one was comparing this statement to Trump’s statements. So why can’t we simply criticize the behavior? No, you apparently have to assume everyone who criticizes what she said would give Trump a pass. But again, no one was proposing that position. Trump is no Lincoln, Churchill, or FDR and any comparisons he may have made to suggest this was also wrong. So there you have it… consistency. So with that said how about we stick to the original post? Was Abrams’ statement acurrate or recommended? I don’t think so.

That was easy, and I didn’t even need to compare her statements to similar ones her other fellow Democrats have said. Wrong is wrong. Hence the reason I point out how kids argue. You claim this is different but it isn’t. The point I am making is that when kids say “they did it too,” they are trying to rationalize their actions/position. So if you’re agreeing that what Abrams’ said was dumb, say so. Otherwise, you look like you’re trying to defend it.
SGT Retired
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
You’ve either missed the point or you feel the need to rationalize.
So let me be clear. The point is that RP is infested with hypocrites. Anyone who don’t see it, believe it or acknowledge it just might be one.

And yeah, her comparison was weak and lazy.
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SFC Retired
At least she isn’t prone to hyperbole. She seems to have a firm grasp of reality.
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