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Responses: 3
SP5 Dennis Loberger
Is this for real?
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
>1 y
It's been done for awhile - what's mentioned is the update to the policy last year. People were initially trained in 2016, then transgender people were not allowed during Trump except those who were already in before he came in. After he was gone, the prior policy was reinstated.

It's not going on right now. Smh.
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SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
Transgender training hasn't been done in a year. It was completed. It was just to go over the policy after it was reinstated when Trump was ousted. I had it in 2016 before Trump took office when Obama allowed transgender people to serve openly. I haven't had it again since then.

Even the article you link about Crenshaw is dated June 25, 2021. I just saw something the other day that said all units had completed it. I know I saw something about it didn't need to be reported up anymore. The deadline was to finish training on the updated policy by June 25, 2022.

There's no new training going on right now about transgender soldiers. You really, really need to research things especially when you're not even in the Army anymore. This is probably the most ridiculous article you've written and posted.

You're incredibly stupid on this one. I mean for real. The training I got in 2016 explained the process of how soldiers can update their gender marker in DEERS and it's not a quick process. The shortest amount of time it could take anyone to transition fully and change DEERS is a year.

I'm just laughing at this post because it's literally not an issue, it's not going on right now and it's already been done for awhile. Smh.
SGT Joseph Gunderson
SGT Joseph Gunderson
>1 y
The article this post is discussing is linked. You're more than welcome to check it out.
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
>1 y
SGT Joseph Gunderson - I did check out the one that is labeled as "woke training sessions" and it goes to an article from July 25, 2021. And the other one has nothing to do with transgender training and said something about allegedly a female Airman given "privileges" at Special Tactics Officer (STO) Phase II course.

You think I didn't click on things that were linked? Yes - we got that transgender training. The first time was in 2016. Then they updated the policy and pushed it out last year but I haven't had any transgender training since 2016 and I just switched units 2 months ago and haven't seen it. I know I just read somewhere that they don't need any reporting on the status of transgender training because everyone has completed it.

So try again on your fear mongering post because it's bullshit on this topic (well nearly all of them). There's nothing about gender identity "shoved" down anyone's throats. At all.

When I had the training in 2016 it simply explained the transition process. I would bet that's what it was since there was an update allowing them to serve openly again since the last election.
SGT Joseph Gunderson
SGT Joseph Gunderson
>1 y
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff - There are several hyperlinks in the post. And yes, many link to related posts from the website. However, one link goes directly to the source that covered this particular training. Click on The Washington Free Beacon.
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
>1 y
SGT Joseph Gunderson - And I said yes we got that training - so what? They had to give training when the transgender policy changed - and it changed twice.

My point is that it's NOT going on right this minute and it's NOT a priority right now. It hasn't been at all this year and I never heard a thing about it other than Military Times last year. I got it in 2016 - that was it.

You're making a big deal out of literally NOTHING as usual.
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