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Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
Great but sad history share.
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CPL LaForest Gray
These are Documented Critical Race FACTS for the insecure white racist & bootlickers of them :

1.) What Is the Difference Between Slavery and Indentured Servitude?

By Staff WriterLast Updated April 3, 2020

Indentured servants can be freed after working for a certain period of time. Slaves are not given their freedom, causing them to remain slaves until their owner releases them. Neither slaves or indentured servants are paid during their service.

Indentured servants willingly enter an agreement to work for a specific period of time, up to six years or longer if there is a breach of contract, in exchange for something such as land. The contract of an indentured servant can be sold to an interested third party, but the servant is not considered property of the contract holder. Once the indentured servant is released from his contract at the end of the term, he becomes a recognized part of the community and can own property or vote.

A slave is considered to be the property of his owner. Slaves are not allowed to own property, earn money for their services or vote. A slave can be bought, sold, left as property in a will and has no rights in society. After the Civil War, laws were changed to allow only the contracts of indentured servants, and not the servants themselves, to be considered real property. Both slaves and indentured servants were often used to work in fields at farms and complete other hard manual labor.



2.) Africans in America | Part 1 | Narrative | From Indentured Servitude to Racial Slavery

All servants imported and brought into the Country. . . who were not Christians in their native Country. . . shall be accounted and be slaves. All Negro, mulatto and Indian slaves within this dominion. . . shall be held to be real estate. If any slave resists his master. . . correcting such slave, and shall happen to be killed in such correction. . . the master shall be free of all punishment. . . as if such accident never happened.


*{Eventually it’ll sink-in}*

1.) A look at the Casual Killing Act of 1669 that made it legal to kill a slave at will :

Virginia passes an act regarding the casual killing of slaves: "If any slave resist his master (or other by his master’s order correcting him) and by the extremity of the correction should chance to die, that his death shall not be accompted felony."


2.) Slave Patrols: An Early Form of American Policing

July 10, 2019 | Authored by Chelsea Hansen

“I [patroller’s name], do swear, that I will as searcher for guns, swords, and other weapons among the slaves in my district, faithfully, and as privately as I can, discharge the trust reposed in me as the law directs, to the best of my power. So help me, God.”
-Slave Patroller’s Oath, North Carolina, 1828.

Source : The National Law Enforcement Museum


“The National Law Enforcement Museum is dedicated to telling the story of American law enforcement by providing visitors a “walk in the shoes” experience. The Museum is working to expand and enrich the relationship shared by law enforcement and the community through educational journeys, immersive exhibitions, and insightful programs.”
_________________________________ •

*** Disclaimer : This a repost from myself, because people are tooooo comfortable with the status quo. ***

“I will not apologize for telling the FACTS, in a world that worship the lies”.
CPL LaForest Gray
CPL LaForest Gray
>1 y
Milwaukee was among first to declare racism a public health crisis


* Milwaukee County Executive Chris Abele signed a resolution on May 20, 2019 declaring racism a public health crisis. 

* Milwaukee Common Council passed its resolution July 30, 2019.

* Cities and counties across the country are beginning to follow suit.
See the sources for this fact-check



April 29, 2020

Milwaukee County leaders commit to eliminating institutional racism by addressing County polices, practices and power structures through a racial equity lens

Milwaukee County Executive Chris Abele today with Milwaukee County Board Chairwoman Marcelia Nicholson, County Executive-elect David Crowley and Director, Nicole Brookshire with the Office on African American Affairs (OAAA) announced the signing of an ordinance that commits Milwaukee County to advancing racial equity and eliminating health disparities. The ordinance, unanimously passed by the County Board, moves forward Milwaukee County’s vision that by achieving racial equity, Milwaukee is the healthiest county in Wisconsin.

“For hundreds of years, government institutions have been connected to the atrocities against those with a historical lineage to slavery. Now because we know better, we must do better. Passing this ordinance is one way we can address the policies and practices that have contributed to racial inequities in our communities,” said County Executive Abele. 


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CPL LaForest Gray
Senator Hawley Introduces Love America Act
JULY 27, 2021

On Monday, Senator Josh Hawley of Missouri introduced the Love America Act, which seeks to promote patriotism in public schools and prohibit federal funding to those that teach the country’s foundational texts are rooted in racism.

The bill would require students to read and recite portions of the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Pledge of Allegiance at certain grade levels.

Under the legislation, students would be able to recite the pledge by the first grade, and fourth-graders would be able to recite the Constitution’s preamble.

Students in the eighth grade would be able to recite the preamble of the Declaration of Independence and 10th graders would be able to identify the Bill of Rights.

It would also block federal funds from going to schools that teach such texts are a product of white supremacy or racism. Senator Hawley said the effort is a response to the push for critical race theory to be taught in schools.




Sen. Hawley introduces anti-CRT Love America Act to teach patriotism in schools
'We cannot afford for our children to lose faith in the noble ideals this country was founded on'
Jessica Chasmar19 hours ago



Hawley's “Love America Act” Is All About Hate

White supremacy, racism & the rest of America subsidizing Red states weren’t just realities in 1787: they’re alive and well today & Hawley and his white supremacist buddies want to keep it that way

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