Posted on Feb 4, 2022
Alabamans confuse Critical Race Theory for Black History Month
Posted 3 y ago
Responses: 3
The people I have talked to about this who have objected to CRT have been unable to tell me exactly what it is. I remain in the dark on this issue
PO1 Sam Deel
You should do your own research on the matter. CRT is not this little History addendum. It is the cancellation of the Historical reference that European Americans are the creators and original progenitors of this Shinning Beacon on the Hill. It is to create disassociation, divorcing White Folk from the Nation that we sweet, bleed and died for to create and protect. Why else do they call us "White", while everyone else is African American, Hispanic American, Asian American, Native American, moslem American, etc.? Simple and easy to see.
Many who object to CRT and celebrations of history are very poorly informed.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
SSgt Richard Kensinger Best I Understand, CRT is a College Level Course on the Ramifications of Slavery on US History Past and Present. When I Hear "Conservatives" "Republicans" bitch about teaching CRT, What they are really saying "How Dare Teachers, Teach the Truth about Racism in America. Past and Present". What Immediately Comes to Mind "Thou Do Protest Too Much" (Only Racist Have a Problem with CRT or Teaching the Truth about Racism in American History)
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