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Responses: 3
CW4 Guy Butler
This didn’t age well…
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SFC Casey O'Mally
IMHO, The American assessment is more accurate. But it was irresponsible to push out to the public. Zelenskyy is trying to prevent panic and economic turmoil. Yes, Russia *is* poised to attack. Yes, Russia *can* invade at a moment's notice. That does not mean they *will*.

The Biden administration is pushing the narrative that Russia can attack at any moment - which is true. Zelenskyy is focusing on the fact that have not yet invaded (again) - which is also true.

If Zelenskyy publicly tells the Ukranian people that Russia is set to invade any time they feel like it, it is very likely it causes a panic and sets the country into chaos - and not a productive chaos, either. He *has* to downplay things in order to buy the time for diplomacy. If the people panic, it does not matter if Russia never invades, the Ukraine is substantially weakened for year to come. If Russia *does* invade, the Ukraine loses, regardless of the eventual outcome of the invasion. Zelenksyy's ONLY hope for the future of his country is to keep the people calm, productive, and carrying on whilst ALSO engages in heavy diplomacy to avoid the Russian invasion. So that is what he is doing.

Over here, what happens in the Ukraine is largely inconsequential, as long as Russia is repelled - eventually. And with NATO firmaly in agreement that Russia cannot be allowed to take over the Ukraine, it is pretty much guaranteed that Russia WILL be repelled - eventually. So there is no real consequence for tough talk, bluster, or lack of tact from our diplomats. We have nothing to lose.

When evaluating who is more likely to be more truthful, and the options are 1) a group who has nothing to lose and little to gain regardless of the eventual outcome of their statements (the US) and 2) a group that has everything to lose if statements are not carefully crafted (the Ukraine), I will go with group 1 being more truthful.

Still - even though we don't really have much to lose, it's kind of a dick move to be making public statements which can panic the Ukrainian people.
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CWO3 Us Marine
Some flex cuffs might change his perspective.
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