Posted on Jan 23, 2022
Black Mississippi senators walk out in protest over critical race theory ban
Posted 3 y ago
Responses: 5
Virginia and Mississippi Republicans banning a graduate level study not being taught in public schools; so whose playing identity politics again? Black lawmakers wanting no part of this racist ignorance that is truly meant to Whitewash American history teaching anything that hurts Conservative feelings. Bunch of snowflakes.
1SG (Join to see)
Some folks still think K-12 is teaching CRT. And because they don't know what CRT is, they want to eliminate history as it pertains to people of color.
MAJ James Woods
1SG (Join to see) yep. Another RP member told me that he of Native American background is the only one that can complain about the atrocities to his ancestors and that CRT is a joke. In otherwords, my Negro ancestors have nothing to complain about compared to him AND ironically he doesn't realize these anti-race education laws would block teaching those atrocities objectively and factually in schools. Can't make this ignorance up.
1SG (Join to see)
MAJ James Woods - The ignorance is astounding. I am third generation Mexican-American and my ancestors dealt with lynchings, segregation, and mass deportations.
The Brutal History of Anti-Latino Discrimination in America
School segregation, lynchings and mass deportations of Spanish-speaking U.S. citizens are just some of the injustices Latinos have faced.
We aren't teaching CRT. But if you stop us from doing the thing we aren't doing, we are going to protest our right to do the thing we aren't doing.
Either you ARE doing the thing you say you aren't doing, OR you want to be able to do it in the future. Or you want OTHERS to be able to do it.
Either you ARE doing the thing you say you aren't doing, OR you want to be able to do it in the future. Or you want OTHERS to be able to do it.
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