Posted on Jan 10, 2022
Doctors transplant a genetically modified pig heart into a human for the 1st time
Posted 3 y ago
Responses: 4
They have been using pig valves and aortic replacement for years
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
CPO William Glen (W.G.) Powell Sure Sounds Like the Right and Logical Next Step. I Vaguely remember something I once Read that While We are Genetically a Member of the Great Apes, the Only other Mammal that We Share a Significant Bit of DNA with is Pigs. (No Suprise there Considering Some Folks I've Met)
CPO William Glen (W.G.) Powell
I have a friend with a mechanical aortic valve which has a greater life expectancy. He was given a choice. A pig valve while a great match has a life expectancy of 10 years then must be replaced.
While we hope and pray for the patient David Bennett, there's no denying the medical science and technology going into this type of potentially life-saving surgery is amazing.
One thing I didn't understand from the AP article was an earlier (September2021) experimental surgery on a deceased human where "Doctors temporarily attached a pig's kidney to a deceased human body and watched it begin to work.". How was that possible with a deceased human?
Can anyone offer any insight how that might work?
One thing I didn't understand from the AP article was an earlier (September2021) experimental surgery on a deceased human where "Doctors temporarily attached a pig's kidney to a deceased human body and watched it begin to work.". How was that possible with a deceased human?
Can anyone offer any insight how that might work?
PO2 Russell "Russ" Lincoln
The subject (deceased human), donated their body to science, so wasn't embalmed. they then hook up the organ and apply stimulation to make the organ function.
SPC Terry Page
Thanks PO2 Russell "Russ" Lincoln . I assume "stimulation" means some sort of heart/lung machine to provide blood flow and oxygenation for the kidney. Sound about right?
PO2 Russell "Russ" Lincoln
SPC Terry Page - yes and possibly some low voltage electric shock is possible.
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