Posted on Jan 3, 2022
Germany calls nuclear power 'dangerous,' rejects EU plan
Posted 3 y ago
Responses: 2
Puts on Engineer hat. For ANY energy to be useful, it has to be constant and available. The problem with the Green Energy people is that they are very bad at math and economics, both wind and solar are both intermittent and dispersed. All that means is it takes a lot of windmills and solar panels to replace the more concentrated energy of natural gas or nuclear, and that energy isn't available at all times. Solar doesn't work when the Sun isn't shining and windmills don't work when the wind doesn't blow a certain speed. To build a reliable grid, you have to have the additional generating power to cover the Green Energy sources when they aren't available and you have to be able to balance the rather unpredictable output of those sources. I don't see any technological solution to those problems that will make them viable without the double investment of having a grid that runs on conventional power sources as a complete backup. Batteries aren't the answer, it's a mature technology and the improvements in that technology has been predictably incremental for decades.
Now I would personally like to see small scale nuclear, such as MSR or some of the new Pebble Bed Micro Nuclear Reactors, rather than the large LWR plants. All are simpler and the cooling systems in LWR plants tend to be the failure point.
BTW, there is already a large scale movement in this State against "Industrial Solar". I suspect from a lot of people that say they want Green Energy, just don't want it in their backyard.
Now I would personally like to see small scale nuclear, such as MSR or some of the new Pebble Bed Micro Nuclear Reactors, rather than the large LWR plants. All are simpler and the cooling systems in LWR plants tend to be the failure point.
BTW, there is already a large scale movement in this State against "Industrial Solar". I suspect from a lot of people that say they want Green Energy, just don't want it in their backyard.
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